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did i do the right thing by telling her i wil not be the one calling?

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i called my ex erlier because i just got tired of the mind games she played.she went from giving me mixed signals to trying to get me jelous, i dont get y she did that if she was the one who broke it up. so i called her and told her i did not want her to be mean to me any more.that after everything i did for her i did not expect her to come running back to me but i expected respect. i told her i dont want you to make excuses to talk to me because it hurts my feelings. so i told her i cant do this i love you but i dont want to hurt any more. im not going to call you any more and if you call me you need to admit that you just want to talk to me. she started to cry and told me she misses me. but she did not say i love you. so i did not fall into false hope. i told her i love her its up to you to what happens im not going to beg. then i told her i love u and hung up.



every one that reads this please answer

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I think that YOU are the one playing games, even if you don't realise it. You can't MAKE someone respect you or want to be with you, of feel a certain way. It's over for her. Don't try to manipulate her into acting a way that she doesn't want to. The only thing you can do is to retreat and heal, and stop contacting her already.

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no i called because every time she would call she would be mean. and i got tired of it.so i told her ether be nice and say whats in your mind or thats it i cant take this anymore


Well if she's being mean then block her calls or don't answer them. A person can only treat you bad if you allow it.

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I think that YOU are the one playing games, even if you don't realise it. You can't MAKE someone respect you or want to be with you, of feel a certain way. It's over for her. Don't try to manipulate her into acting a way that she doesn't want to. The only thing you can do is to retreat and heal, and stop contacting her already.


actualy no, i dont manipulate, i just got tired of her been offensive, because she calls and gets mad , i tell her i cant be her friend, i told her i dont want you to be mean so nc. but she made me feel bad because she started to cry. which i see that i fell for it. and like i said like an idiot i told her ok call if you are going to be nice

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Trust us on this OP. All this back and forth between the two of you doesn't allow for healing. She broke up with you, she's mean and she calls you for whatever reason and you call her to tell her you love her and she cries..... Too much drama back and forth.


The phone rings, it's her DON'T Answer it. If she texts, DON'T text back. Eventually she will see what NC really means.

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origanaly we had something planned, she does not always follow threw but just incase i needed to tell her.so i went from telling her i cant talk to her any more to us talking. then we went to she can call me if she gives me respect. the whole time i just demended respect. so i let her know im not calling her

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