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when the girl is older....

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hey everyone. ok, now im a girl and im 16, my bf is a year younger then me which i know is not much and it hasnt posed any problems with our relationship, we're both eachothers first everything. but we recently started to fool around and get into stuff, not SEX but just fooling around and sometimes i think that hes 15 and that maybe i shouldnt let anything happen. we have talked about it and everything, but hes just happy with the whole thing lol. and also im going to grade 11 this sept, hes going to gr 10, and im just scared that when i graduate that it could be over. we've been dating for about 8 months now, and we're very much in love, but i see posts about people wanting to expereince more, like do you think that im holding him back? does this one year make a difference since im the girl and im older?? any comments or advice is appreciated! thanx.

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i once had a bf a year younger than me... i mean there's nothing wrong bout it.. i commend you in not letting anything to happen between the two of you.. ages like you are normally aggressive and would always want to experiment.. knowing the right thing and standing on it is the best possible way to avoid undesirable consequences.. but the issue of having a lasting relationship that's what i doubt.. you're both young.. at your age sudden change of emotion is very common.. woman get matured faster than man.. at your age.. even if he'd be a year older.. it is most probable that you're thinkin about serious things and he not.. so don't expect too much about getting a serious relationship with him.. to avoid getting hurt..

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