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Am I ugly?


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I'll add my two cents here..


It's a hard question to answer because you never know if people are being nice or not. I don't think you're ugly. Furthermore, I don't think it's important if you were.


I see guys at bars picking up women all the time, and they're nothing special to look at.. But they've got it down. All you need is confidence and girls will be instantly attractive. Hitting the gym is a must- even if you don't bulk up as much as wrestlers on TV, it will help boost your own self esteem, and you'll be more outwardly confident.


Some of the guys I know who have the best luck with girls are just very tenacious. Most women have many different criteria for what makes a man sexy. Confidence, talents, skills, and the ability to bring home some cash. Looks are for Johnny Depp.

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If someone posted a thread asking whether they were ugly, and I didn't find them attractive, then I would say so.


In my experience, people who post these threads never are ugly (or haven't been so far). I assume it's because people who are generally regarded as unattractive know that and don't want to set themselves up for the insults.

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If someone posted a thread asking whether they were ugly, and I didn't find them attractive, then I would say so.


In my experience, people who post these threads never are ugly (or haven't been so far). I assume it's because people who are generally regarded as unattractive know that and don't want to set themselves up for the insults.


But attractivness and looks are so subjective..! That's the problem here, isn't it?

So the poster is asking a valid question, but I do completely take your point about daring to post and waiting for insults! ..because I think it is often people who think they aren't attractive that are fine (by whoever's standards! !) who perhaps have been bullied and/or who feel insecure but I don't know about people who supposedly are unattractive/not good-looking! ..not touching that one with a barge pole! Lol ..me personally, I just don't view people that way, call me naive or a liar! ha ha..but it's true.. because there's only what's attractive - or not - to me..regardless of what anyone else thinks!

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I didn't read the other posts so forgive me if I repeated something someone already said.


Honestly people's opinions of you shouldn't matter! All that matters is how you feel about yourself. People on here can say that you're attractive but at the end of the day, you're still going to feel ugly. It's up to YOU to change that perception of yourself... Working out,trying on new clothes,a new haircut could do amazing wonders for you to make you feel better. Also if you feel insecure about your looks, people CAN pick up on that and it's an unattractive trait to have.


Also in life some people or going to find you attractive and some are not. There's over a billion people in this world, not everyone is going to find you attractive, the same applies to me and everyone else. So don't focus on the negative comments, just focus on the positive.

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