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I'm 39, he's 26.....update and new advise needed.

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I started a relationship with someone much younger than me. This was all scary enough as it was, because it isn't something that I would normally do. (seek out much younger partner) BUT as it turned out, here I am.


After 6 months of seeing each other, we are going to live together, and he has made it known that he will want to marry me......and have children.


I don't look or feel to old to do this, however.....I have a huge fear of raising another child on my own. There is no such thing as a divorce with children as there is with men. Nothing assures me he will be there the whole time to help. My first and only child is 19, living on her own with her baby (3 months old) so I am done with child raising, and don't know if I can do it all again.


BUT, several years ago I turned away someone who I believe was my soul mate because he wanted to have children as well, and I was firm that I wasn't going to. I let him go knowing that he wasn't ever going to happy unless he could have children. I regreted making that decision.


I don't want to regret losing one more important person in my life, because how many chances will I get? How many soul mates are out there for a person? I am very picky, and I haven't even been in a serious relationship for the last 7 years!!! I am not an easy one to get to commit to these things.


How do you guys see it? And thanks in advance for your feedback.



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That I know a lot of you people here are young, and I was readding darkich's post where owlman said we come here to draw off of other's experiences.


Even if you have never experienced this sort of thing, because you are young and haven't had the same thing happen, I still value your opinion.


That would be because the price on un-inhibited repsponses is priceless.


Just talk from the heart! ;-)



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Your only as old as you feel, the heart and soul know no age.


I am 41 today and in better shape mentally and physically than when i was 21.


I told my eX (35) that i would like to have a child with her, she was afraid that she wouldnt be able to (it took her 5 years to concieve with her first husband) I told her that if we couldnt that it wouldnt matter because id love her all the same.


Just a few months ago, she said that she would really like to have a child with me. he shouldnt pressure you on this. If it happens great, if not. have fun trying!

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