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My ex and I dated for over a year. We never had any probloms but one. She doesnt condone drinking or anything of that sort at all. She is mormon, or was. During our relationship we broke up about two times because I lied to her about drinking with my friends. And then I had a change within myself and I quit drinking all-together. But on new years eve my stupid friends talked me into smoking weed. My ex was extreally against that. I figured what the hell, because I was kinda mad because I wasnt going to be seeing her that night. then she showed up ran to me extatic and kissed me. she pushed off me took a few steps back and started to cry, then she ran out of the house. she tasted the smoke on my breath. After that she hated me. we almost got back together but she found out about some other times I had smoked. It was way overr. she hated me.


I worked extreamly hard to get her to not hate me. and we eventually hooked back up. but we wern't ready for a relationship yet so we broke up. Then I moved on and she came crying back to me because she thought we were going to wait for eachother to be ready. so I dumped the other girl and mu ex and I hooked back up. That also didnt work out. anywasy to make a long story short Im not over her. she is over me. For a while we talked everyday. but now she wants to have at least 3 weeks where we dont talk at all. she said she hasn't had any time since we broke up. what can I do. she loves me, but hates me right now.


I have already cleaned up my act. but hers is a mess now. she drinks and isnt mormon anymore. what should I do.

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Give her some room, and while you do figure out your plan of attack.


The first question you need to figure out is what does she want with her life, religion and drinking. If you can be the one to help her, then aren't you in a great position to get her?

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Well then, you first need to leave her alone for a while. Then you need to try to come up with an indirect approach or get contact with her without seeming like you intended it to happen. Appear at the same party or same location anywhere it does not look like you are stalking her. Then say and either leave her alone or actually use the contact without it seeming like you want her.


Can it be fixed? Maybe, but that's up to her and you and won't be easy.

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