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Alright guys, i have a question...

Are any of you guys out there a guy who dumped the girlfriend, and told her you didnt want to speak to her again and how much you hated her and blah blah the whole "i need space thing", but in the end you are on this website trying to win her back? I'm curious if anyone out there dumped a girlfriend and had to deal with her begging and pleading and having to push her away and telling her how much you never wanted to talk again, but in the end after all of your pushing her away you end up realizing you want her back...

That may give hope to some of us girls who got dumped and are way depressed thinking the guy is never gonna come back because he said he never wants to speak to us again... so let all of us know!


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Hi iceesnowbubble,


Well I've never been in that situation so I can't answer for sure. However, I do know that by begging and pleading, you are making it less likely that he will come back to you. You will be pushing him further away and he will have a lot more negative thoughts going round his head. It is far better to accept his decision (I know this is easier said than done) and leave him to ponder on the good times you guys had. This way he is more likely to miss you, and thereforeeee more likely to come back for more.


The sooner you, or anyone else for that matter, gives the other person the time and space that he/she needs, the higher the likelihood of a reconciliation in the future.


This is no guarantee that your ex will come back to you, but in my opinion it will do you a lot more favours in the long run.


Good luck,



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HAHa..yeah im actually in the middle of no-contact..i know all the stuff i have to do, i was just wondering if there is anyone out there who can make my hope a little bit more, I dont really even think about my ex that much anymore because I am too tired of worrying about it, i was just wondering if there were any guys out there who ended up realizing their mistake..but thanks rich...=)

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lol what can i say if he dumped you like that i say move on and find someone better who will treat you right.....there is no need begging and pleading with a guy who does not want to be in a relationship....it just gives him the power. and as for if some guys after that kind of break up do want to get back together i say yes, but i would say have more self pride and move on.

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put pride aside, pride will only influence you to give up prematurely due to a lack of security. i have been there before, i wanted to divorce my wife. which is pretty bad on the dumping scale, but then i recanted and changed my tune.


while you are apart, try and think of WHY your ex wanted to "dump" you, run away from you, be free etc. how did you help make that decision that much easier for him? perhaps not much, and hopefully so. but something contributed to his feelings of distance and break up.


after you find out the WHY of what you did, try and figure out if there was a better alternative for what you have done. recognize the problem and try and remedy it for yourself. worst case scenario, you are a single, confident person who deserves the best life has to offer.


best of wishes

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I think guys are more prone to return than women. Women somehow can move from being engaged to never speaking to that person again, because guys run a dime-a dozen. Simple fact is, a lot of guys will crack down and start talking to their ex's, i know i have many times for the ones that ive dumped and disliked.


However at a younger age the reality is things rarely work out and if he does return to you, it might not be for a relationship.

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Thanks... that helps a little bit..he is actually four years older than me and no matter how many reasons and times he has broken up with me (taking my heart with him) he somehow finds someway to apologize and i ALWAYS let him back in...this time he said its for real and that he has his head on straight, but I have heard it ALL before...

I still dont know whats going through his head... I guess I'll just have to continue to be patient



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stop worrying about it, let him do wat he needs to do sounds like he's walking all over you.. u need to get the control back and make him chase you make out you dont want to get back with him if he trys to, that way he's going to want you more i guess, i find that happens anyways as soon as i lost intrest in my ex, she all off a suden wanted to do things with me ect, i aint calling i aint thinking about her and its working, im not even sure if i ever want to get back with her now

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