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An even longer "break"?


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I have been posting in the get back together thread but I'm not sure we are"broken up"


Background, together 2 1/2 years, the last 6 months have been bad, a lot of it my fault. After an especially big fight, I told him I couldn't continue this if he wants to work it out let me know. He said it wasn't that simple, maybe he woUld change his mind in a few days. He sent me flowers on valentines day. I called and thanked him and we started talking about us, asked if he wanted to work on it, he said he needed time to think things through he was sick of fighting and talking about the relationship. I said fine is two weeks enough he said he thought so. We met last night, started to argue, I said two weeks wasn't enough apparently, we dropped it and went home. Called him today and asked what he wanted, said he loves me Cnut he is very stressed out and emotionally drained from fighting. I said the things I wanted to do to change, he seemed happy about that, but still said it wasnt enough time. He wanted us to work out, just isn't ready right now. He wanted more time. I was back and forth about this, then said I would do one more break but we needed to agree on the terms. Defined amount of time and are we seeing other people, he said one month and no he doesn't want to see anyone else he just wants to clear his head. I said ok and he thanked me. He told me last night he was counting the days to see me. I'm really hurt and afraid I'm letting him walk all over me right now. Am I doing the wrong thing?

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I've never been in that situation, so I'm not sure exactly what to say about it. But I do know this, BOTH of you have to work on your relationship together, it just sounds one-sided to me, and if the one-sidedness continues, it definitely will not work, and you two will continue fighting. Maybe you could see a counselor together to see where the issues are coming from if you two are really serious about working it out?

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kjv, please be careful though. sorry, i don't mean to rain on your parade, but the same thing happened to me. he broke up with me several times saying he needed time to be alone and to think. i never gave him enough space though, and he didn't allow himself to have space either. he didn't want to date other people either.


he came back to me three times saying he wanted to make it work. but now we're broken up a fourth time. he said he didn't love me the way he used to, and it was unfair for me.


just do your best to give him time and space. good luck!

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I asked him, you want to work things out after this, right? And he said, "well...I'd like to try, yes". I did not respond to that last night. Feel like he knows I am sitting here waiting for him, and he won't miss me. Do I respond back to that? This was last night, butI'm so lost as to what to fo

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