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Ready to start dating - coffee shop tips please :D


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Every Wednesday evening after work I have a 2 hour gap before tennis practice. I do not go home in this time, instead I usually sit in a coffee shop to kill my time. I have noticed a lot of women passing through, and a lot are in my age category (18-23) so I figure why not use this to my advantage.


Does anyone have tips for striking up conversation and possibly sealing a date from meeting someone in a coffee shop? For example:


- How to engage in conversation with a stranger ordering coffee...


- Trying to locate someone that is single in the coffee shop, so efforts aren't wasted on people already in relationships.


All the best.

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You would engage a stranger there like you would anywhere else, - eye contact, smile, clever comment and wait for some reciprocation. Its basically very mild flirting... comment on their clothes or what they are ordering. be relaxed and casual and don't expect anything other than nice friendly conversations...


You should just do this for a while to get comfortable with chatting there, don't focus on getting dates or numbers...


Chances are you will start to see some of the same girls show up at the same times over the weeks. - you want to find one or two that you'd like to connect with and just have conversations over a couple of weeks - then come up with something else to do and invite them along (btw, giving a girl tennis lessons would be a GREAT first date)


If they are sitting down, try to sit near them in their line of site (for eventual eye contact) have your coffee/read something and basically ignore them for 15-20 minutes, then try to strike up a conversation if the opportunity arises


Remember, have no specific objectives except to have fun and meet people and good things will happen...

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no problem - you seem to have a great attitude about this and really that is a HUGE part of attraction for women...


We have it both tough and easy when it comes to meeting women. Tough because the attractive ones get approached alot, but easy because most guys that approach are creepy/overbearing or at the very least, nervous. If you come accross as fun, confident and interesting then you won't have any problem. Really, look at it as a game - how many fun and cute girls can you meet/say hi to, chat with etc in a week, a month etc. You'll have a blast.


If you can, rent the Tao of Steve or watch some clips on youtube, about this "average" guy who gets all these hot women by not trying. His three rules are:


be desireless

be excellent

be gone


Very Zen.


Good luck! And keep us posted on your progress. (We should start a thread on this - positive real life girl meeting stories... some of these threads can be so depressing

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Every Wednesday evening after work I have a 2 hour gap before tennis practice. I do not go home in this time, instead I usually sit in a coffee shop to kill my time. I have noticed a lot of women passing through, and a lot are in my age category (18-23) so I figure why not use this to my advantage.


Does anyone have tips for striking up conversation and possibly sealing a date from meeting someone in a coffee shop? For example:


- How to engage in conversation with a stranger ordering coffee...


- Trying to locate someone that is single in the coffee shop, so efforts aren't wasted on people already in relationships.


All the best.


I am not sure the coffee shop would be the best place to meet women .Of course it could happen but it may be very difficult to locate someone that is single and not every one is receptive to strangers at a coffee shop.Some people want their privacy.

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I wish there were a coffee shop with special coasters - you put it green side up on your table if you are open to talking to people, or yellow if you want to be alone.


that would be a good idea for bars aswell. One colour for single and looking, and one for not single or not looking. prehaps you shoudl try and get it in production! Could be on to a winner there lol

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