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Do men too get stuck in friends with benefit situations?


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Every time I hear about a “friends with benefits” situation it is about a woman concerning a man of interest.


Do men also get stuck in friends with benefits situations? Where they are with a woman physically yet earn for more commitment from her part? I have yet to hear of one!


This just seems to be evidence to me that things are far from equal in the dating world.


What is it about women that lets us get stuck in this sort of situation? Not all women or men are the same, obviously… but what is up with this trend?

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Both men I've slept with casually grew more emotionally attached to me than I did to them. The first one I cut off contact completely because he was so annoying and overbearing with texts and calls and wanting to see me.


The second I was more fond of and enjoyed spending time with, but never felt very deep feelings. He on the other hand called me his soul mate, all kinds of pet names, often hinted at marriage and kids, and was incredibly insecure about me interacting with any other guys. I tried dating him for a few months but we were just not a good match beyond sexually.

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Every time I hear about a “friends with benefits” situation it is about a woman concerning a man of interest.


Do men also get stuck in friends with benefits situations? Where they are with a woman physically yet earn for more commitment from her part? I have yet to hear of one!


This just seems to be evidence to me that things are far from equal in the dating world.


What is it about women that lets us get stuck in this sort of situation? Not all women or men are the same, obviously… but what is up with this trend?


Men and women are not equal, never have been and never will be.

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I find them more fitting then a relationship. I get so emotionally drained in a relationship....they always take! I get freakin tired of always giving, so I find the FWB a reward. We both get sex, and no disappointment to come later on. Being in love has always seemed to hurt more then it was worth.

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^can or cant detach yourself?


Can. It's funny because I thought I couldn't handle it at first, but 3 weeks in and I've begun to compartmentalize it all. I remember reading that men who have sex with a women with no emotional attachment end up having to deal with a flight instinct.

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Can. It's funny because I thought I couldn't handle it at first, but 3 weeks in and I've begun to compartmentalize it all. I remember reading that men who have sex with a women with no emotional attachment end up having to deal with a flight instinct.


what does that mean? Flight instinct?

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what does that mean? Flight instinct?


In general I think it's the urge to leave. Personally, after we have sex I feel less attached to her. It's almost like a feeling of disgust, but not quite. I think knowing that I'm not in a committed loving relationship cheapened the experience after the fact. When we were together I felt closer to her after sex.

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Men and women are not equal, never have been and never will be.


What do you mean by this? If you mean that men and women are not, for lack of a better word, "wired" the same as one another, then I completely agree. I think men and women are physically, mentally, and emotionally distinct as a result of certain roles within the family unit that they've evolved to fit over time. However, if you mean that one gender is better or worse than the other, then I disagree.

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Every time I hear about a “friends with benefits” situation it is about a woman concerning a man of interest.


Do men also get stuck in friends with benefits situations? Where they are with a woman physically yet earn for more commitment from her part? I have yet to hear of one!


This just seems to be evidence to me that things are far from equal in the dating world.


What is it about women that lets us get stuck in this sort of situation? Not all women or men are the same, obviously… but what is up with this trend?


Happens yes, it just looks different. Because the man will get very needy and clingy in this situation. So the girl ends it. Men usually don't, women do...a woman can get FWB literally around any corner, for men its at least slightly more difficult so they'll hold on longer.


FWB doesn't last. One party begins to be attracted to the other. Sometimes the man, sometimes the woman.

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