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I feel like my ex is trying to get revenge!

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My ex and I broke up 2 months ago. He came back in my life and said that he was ready to work things out. I guess I should have known then something was not right, because he told me he would "give me another chance.." He came back to me! Plus I never did anything to make him even need to give me another chance! I didnt cheat, lie, nothing. Well a day after this he says he cant do this..then he calls the next day and says he made a mistake and is ready to try again..then the next day he cant..this has happened 4 times in 1 week. I think I may go insane..please help!!

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If he cannot make up his mnd, tell him you cannot take him being wishy-washy and flip-flopping and make the choice for him, cut him off. He will at least have some respect for you, as you are not letting him just walk all over you. If you let him flip-flop, then what else does he get away with next. Tell him to think about it and when he makes up his mind, then contact me. Anything else is bovine fecal matter.

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Hi there,

Tell him you appreciate his efforts (yea right) but you don't think this is working out. Tell him he needs to make up his mind and look you up when he decides and if you are still single then maybe you would consider giving him another chance. Let's see how he likes that.


Be strong

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