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Loss of interest from aging vs. depression

im rly mad

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I don't know how to tell if I don't really have interest in things anymore because I've gotten older or because I'm depressed. I feel like anything I do for fun kind of lacks substance now. I have been prescribed a few different anti-depressants but they haven't really helped me to restore interest in any part of my life.


Recently I lost my virginity, and I don't even feel that much appeal towards sex anymore aside from when I'm already aroused.


I don't know what to do really... I don't have passion for anything anymore and I just am meh about life. I know it sounds like depression but I don't know considering exercise/anti-depressants/traditional depression curing methods don't seem to help.


If I take adderal or have caffeine from a cup or two of coffee that provides me with some level of happiness for a little while, but of course it doesn't last.


I feel like I'm going to pass up the opportunity of finding what I'm truly passionate about in life because of this, and I just want to feel happy about doing something I like.

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You need some type of inspiration. You're going to have to look around for something that motivates you by triggering an emotional response. It could be a real life experience, it could be as simple as a video on YouTube or whatever. I personally would try to go on a trip...to someplace you've never seen. Something with some truly inspiring scenery. A beach setting or maybe the mountains. If you have the cash, get out of the house and refresh your perspective. Experience the earth's beauty and I bet it will come to you IMHO. It just sounds like you're in a bit of a rut.

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