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Dreams... Wanna share yours???????

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I think of dreams as a free movie and you get to be the star. Most of the time. Does anybody have any interesting dreams they want to share??



The other night I had a dream that My and my bf were going to this place to see a house. But it was in an apartment building and it was on the eighth floor. But that whole floor was a house. Anyways while we were there this guy started flirting with me. Then my bf came up to me and said well im gonna go now. You can stay here if you want with him. He didnt say it in a jealous way either. ANyways he left then moments after he left I decided not to stay I wanted to go. i felt guilty that I had stayed.


THen I went out side. I deciceded to walk home because well the bf took the car. Then the alqueda attacked the USA out of no where. The streets were filled with bodies and bullets flying everywhere. Then I seen this girl behind her car with a bazoka. I ran up to her and asked her if I could use her cell pphone so I can call my bf and see if my daughter was ok. No answer...


Then I managed to get home without getting killed. I ran up the stairs and found my daughter and bf dead. My bf was lying at the edge of the bed hold in my daughter in his arms she had a pen through her head. No blood around it either. What I think happened is that my bf killed my daughter then posioned himself. So they wouldnt die in the war. Anyways I screammed no not my baby, not my baby. Then she woke up and smiled at me and so did my bf. Like everything was ok. And nothing happened.


I still dont understand what happened but after I woke up I had to check on my daughter. And i was thankful I had them both.


Maybe I have been watchin too much tv HAHA

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I don't think much of my dreams, namely cause they are often things I don't want to have occur. For example, last night in my dream, I was hit by a truck and killed, right in front of all my friends. Granted today, I was nearly hit by a truck, albeit alone, my dreams seem to provide an obscure vision into the near future which I can do without. I seem to die a lot in my dreams, and although I don't fear death, I do know the consequences of my death, and that those consequences would result in a lot of hurt people, not to mention, being dead means I will not be able to protect the two people in the world that I feel obligated to protect. Could stem from me not believing in an afterlife.

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Lets see....last night I dreamed that this guy, who i think is cute, came over to my house. I showed him around and he realized nobody was home. We went to my bedroom and he held me down and undressed me and then got his pants down. But my brother pulled up outside. And then I woke up.



Another dream was that I went out to California to meet this guy I was great friends with. And we were already in love, but when we saw each other it was so much more then that. We got married, and had a white little house with the white picket fence and two little kids running around. ((I'm so pathetic-haha)) And I woke up, again.





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One night my ex husband was out late with some friends. He wasn't supposed to be back until morning so I went to bed.


In my dream, I woke up because I heard a noise in the house. I rolled over to look out the bedroom door. I saw this dark figure standing in the doorway. No face or features just a dark figure. It scared me awake.


But the figure was still there and he was coming at me. I screamed a few times or I tried to nothing but this sort of squeak came out. Then I began to hear a voice that was very familiar to me. It was my husband saying, "It's me, It's me, stop screaming!!"


He decided to come home early.


I watch too many horror movies and crime shows late at night.

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You either are going through or will be going through a quite significant change in your life. The bullets and guns are tools for change and the fighting represents inner turmoil. If you have these dreams often, I advise you learn some relaxation techniques to help you ease some of your stress.

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Under the pressure,


You are definitely concerned with everything working out all right, and getting along with everyone. You crave assimilation with everything, are perhaps a very friendly, caring person, and really desire harmony with everyone you meet, or at least someone very close to you.


At least that's what I saw in your dreams.

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i had a scary dream the other day..in reality ive been a lil worried about my grandpa n how hes doing cuz i havnt gone to visit latley...Well heres the dream


Im at my old school and im walking in as my brother and grandma is walking out of the school ...I asked my brother whats going on why the long faces? and he said "grandpas in the hospital again"...I hope this isnt a reality dream .. after that dream the same night..I had a dream about an en counter with my old friends in my old school but they were ALL against me..Like one was chaseing me accross a bridge with a huge ol baseball bat and the others all wanted to fight me The girl that was chaseing me around with the huge ol baseball bat I pushed off the bridge/cliff i dont know what i was on anymore lol..but she Jumped right back up and was really mad and ran faster than a blink of an eye..it was kind of sscary at some ease funny..What did i do to deserve this? i dont know lol...


whats so weird is the next night...I had a dream that somebody close to me was getting married! Ive never in my life had a wedding dream...


Whats this mean anybody know?


these dreams are like kinda dreams i NEVER had before! I usually can point out that its a dream

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This is a very long confusing dream but I'd like to share it.


I was leaving a school basketball game with my father and his girlfriend Paula. My father told this guy that called this asian a bad slang c word for asians not to say that and the man said you don't know what I called you when you were working here so my father was about to beat him up. I pulled my father away and we went home. When we got home I told Paula that she left the crumbs on the table and she got an attitude and left.


Scene changed and I was in a room with my two little cousins and their mother was asking them if they wanted their rooms upstairs or on the first floor and they were asking me what they should decide. I was getting my hair braided by the girl that braids Alicia Keys hair (I don't know how I know that she braided A. Keys hair but I knew), and I was watching Fantasia sing this song on TV about a girl who's boyfriend was cheatin.


Then the scene changed again, Paula and I were in a club (I'm not old enough to be in a club) Paula went to the bathroom and when she came back she was a different person. Paula was trying to get married men to date her. This was a private club and everyone that came to the club had a card with all their info on it, name, address, telephone number, etc. Paula would wait until the men would leave with their wives and she would go to their table and get their card. When Paula was talking to a guy I went in her purse and saw that she had a whole bunch of different ID's with different names and different pictures of her. So I took her cell phone and I tried to run to call the real. The fake Paula caught up with me and said what are you doing. I said I'm trying to call the real Paula. So we're outside of the club and she says you are the kid that broke into the Secret Services computer system and stole all the data. I said I didn't do anything I don't know how to do that. She says well you did it. I said I was just on the computer looking up some stuff for my dad. She said lets go.


So we're walking towards the bus stop and there is this bus there and I see someone that I know from church. But I dont' get in the car with them I continue to follow the fake Paula. She walks pass the bus stop and goes into this store. I say where are you going we have to get on the bus so that we can go home. I had some money in my hands.


When I walked in the store there were some guys on the second level of the store who looked like snipers but they were just shooting people to take their money. Since I had money in my hand they were trying to shoot me. So I'm crawling around on the floor trying not to get shot and I feel bullets go past my face. A lot of the workers from the store are hiding under this ledge that is supposed to be bullet proof but there are a bunch of holes in the ledge already so I don't go under there with them.


Then it turns out that there is like a war in the store. The military were walking on this ledge or something and there is like a mattress that is on top of the ledge and nobody's shooting at these people walking on this ledge. I see people that are between the mattress and the ledge and they seem safe so I squeeze between the mattress and the ledge. I was praying that they wouldn't shoot me because they knew I was there because there was a bulge in the mattress. They just walked over me. Their sergeant asked them why they were jumping that section and he seen the the bulge in the mattress and made me come out. He said something about me not having balls or something. And he was saying how he should kill me but he doesn't and I see my boyfriend and the sergeant says we were made for each other. I jump on my boyfriend and I kiss him and we both say I love you then I wake up.



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I love to hear about other peoples dreams, but I didnt know that they were as weird as mine. Interesting I want to hear more. Does anybody have any idea about what these dreams mean.


Also to Princess777, I told my mom about this dream. She also said I was stressed out and/or I was depressed. Although I dont feel depressed.

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I dreamed last night that I was still in high school, I guess, because some girls that I used to know even though they were never really my friends were in the dream, and we were all going to prom together, even though prom turned into my wedding, and all of my family was there having this big brunch and I was eating French toast even though I am allergic to wheat and can't eat bread.


Anyway, all of my friends were wearing these really hideous 80s prom dresses with green sequins and poofy sleeves and huge bows on them, and I was wearing this beautiful white wedding dress, getting married to my boyfriend, even though in my dream, I have a crush on my friend's prom date, even though I think I completely fabricated this person, as I've never seen him before...


Oh yeah and there were these really old WW2 era fighter planes circling overhead...I have no idea what that had to do with anything, but BOY was my dream weird!

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Well last night I had a (think its called) Lucid dream where u are certain it's real and you find it hard to wake up from. I have no idea why it happened or how, as i've never had one before.


Anyways, it was very strange as, firstly, this felt 100% real and the fact that no-one seemed to listen to me. I could shout at people but they wouldnt repsond. I would only get this cold look at me and I began to get very scared and sweating. I remember running out of my house and down the street but there were no people on the street apart from this girl I really like. I went to go talk to her but I woke up this morning and sweaty and in shock.


It didnt really set in till about 30 mins later that it wasnt real.


This reminded me of a dvd which i bought not long ago called "Waking Life", which, I highly recomend to everyone on this board. It's all about dreams and how this boy can not wake up from this weird dream. It hasnt really got a story but it has many views of what dreams mean, especially waking dreams. It really makes you think about your dreams and life in general.

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i had this kind of dream that has been repeated 4 or 5 times last month.


setting: my bf's condo


we're having a huge fight, and he hit me in the face, i was thrown, and my head hit the edge of the bed. then i'd just wake up after that scene, always with tears on my eyes.


he has never been violent and physically abusive. so why am i having those dreams? repetitive

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I had a dream last night, albeit a really normal one. A good friend of mine (female) showed up at my place out of nowhere (I have just moved 2500 miles) and I was all shocked and stuff, then next thing I know, we're standing in the bedrom cuddling each other for like ages and then we layed down and fell asleep cuddling.


Really normal, I know, but I usually either dont remember my dreams or have really screwed up ones, LOL. Was really nice though because I've been a bit lonely lately

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my dreams of late have been concerning me:


i currently have a boyfriend and love him dearly, we spend alot of time together and get on well.


thought as of late, ive been having dreams about one of our friends, he, in stature looks similar to my boyfriend though his personality rather different.


everynight i seem to be having the same dream

THE DREAM: our male friend,lets call him Bob and i were sitting down enjoying our Lunch in our work lunchroom, Bob was informing me about how my boyfriend, lets call him Sam was starting to have feelings for my best female friend. I being very annoyed at this coment stormed out, to go see Sam and make sure this was all just a horrible lie. Anyway, i found my boyfriend flirting with my best friend, he was almost all over her, angus, i went back to where Bob was, he suported me, telling me everything will be ok and that i didnt need Sam, then one thing led to another and Bob and i were making out, and undressing (sex scene) on these cousions in the staff room.

After we both went hand in hand back to where Sam was, only this time when i saw him, he was telling me that my best friend was infact gay and that she had a major crush on me and he was telling her that, NO, i don't have the same feelings... then all i remember after that was Bob and i having a major pashing session under the stars

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Had a few funny ones , there was one when I was flying a helicopter over the city and then landed in a traffic jam and the rotor blades folded up and I started to beep the horn on the steering wheel that just happened to appear .


Another was I was walking down a road , then I hear sirens , a police car comes down the road and stops , a policeman gets out handcuffs me and says I'm under arrest and throws me in the front passenger seat , then I just happen to be wearing a helmet and fireproof suit and I all , and the police car is actually a rally car . So there we are , going round a rally track , sirens blaring , me still handcuffed , while trying to read the navigation notes and shouting , "2 right , medium left , 50 followed by a crest " .


Another one was , I pulled my jumper over my head , and in my jumper were the controls to a spaceship .


Fairly weird all the same , but i do have the usual ones of , kissing someone you like or trying to hit someone , but you never can .

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The other night I kept dreaming about soccer, which I hated, because I kept loosing. I kept waking myself up and trying to dream about something else, but all my dreams seem to came back around to soccer. I had very little sleep that night, and to be honest, im not sure why I didn't want to dream about the soccer.. surely dreaming about loosing at soccer isn't as bad as getting hardly any sleep?

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Ok this is a weird dream.

I was sleeping in my bed and i got up to hear something outside my door.I heard someone say"meagan needs help,she cant keep doing this,"It sounded like people were talkig about my cutting.So i just layed back down to bed.When i awoke the next morning,i wiped my eyes and found blood on my hands,I ran to the mirror in my bathroom and saw that i was crying blood.Now this creeped me out.Then i looked down at my arms and legs and saw that they were also gushing blood.I had cuts all over them.I ran into my kitchen and saw something distrubing written on the wall dead.Then i woke up.


Talk about weird.



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I think your dream is your subconscious screaming for help, trying to scare you into stopping. You really need to stop, and based on your dream, I'd say deep down you know that and want to.


Just my 2c worth


Who are you referring too. What do you mean by this?

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To "I hate the world"..... blood signifies TRUTH in a dream. And the fact that you dream in color (most people don't) is a gift. It is an indication that have the potential to have great power over your mind. I dream in color, too, and you have the opportunity to hone your skills of the mind to achieve things that you never thought possible.


The truth that this dream is trying to tell you is that if you keep doing this, you will die.... whether it be physically or inside yourself. It is a powerful, plain message that you should not ignore.


Do something NOW to help yourself.

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