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My doggy is scared of people

im rly mad

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So I have a bluetick coonhound, she is about a year and a half and she gets super scared around strangers or other dogs (if they aren't in her domain). I have been trying everyday for the past couple weeks to take her to the dog park and get her to open up, and if I'm there for a long time she does but she still doesn't let loose and play like she would if she was familiar with a dog. What can I do to get her to not be so scared?


The biggest concern I have is she gets super hostile randomly around dogs when they're trying to check her out... she'll go and check other dogs out if they're close to her, but sometimes she'll just randomly snap at them because she is skeptical.

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Is she on a leash and they are off the leash or vice versa when they sniff? That makes a HUGE difference. And its okay if a dog gives another dog a little corrective nip now and then if they are acting rude. Also, have you had your dog checked out for any pain? The best thing to do when you walk down the street is to let the other dog and her pass eachother. They might briefly sniff noses the milisecond they pass eachother but they don't confront eachother. Also, you need to properly socialize your dog. Releasing her at the dog park is not enough. You need to introduce her to a kind new person every week if possible. You need to be walking her and have them ignore her completely while you talk the first time. Maybe the second time, still don't look at her but if she comes up to them, have them put their hand out so she can sniff it and they can rub on her, but not be confrontational, like staring her down.


Also, what does she do when she is scared? A scared dog has their tail between her legs and sometimes cowers or snaps. If she is just standing beside you, more likely she doesn't know what to do.


I would take her to an obedience class also - one that relies on positive reinforcement . Dogs feel a little more confident when they learn the language of what you want them to do. it does wonders for shy dogs. She also needs a good fast walk everyday. Her mind also has to be given something to do. Coonhounds need that,

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