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I know that anything, be it 5 hours or 5 days away, can qualify as a long distance relationship. Any relationship without regular contact (guess I need to define regular here ) can qualify as a long-distance.


BUT long is one of those qualifiers that mean different things to different people. Six hours for me would definitely be doable. I mean I could make the drive a couple of times a week if my true love was wating for me. Now a lot of people wouldn't be able to do this, and some could bear more. So I know that long distance can mean different things to different people. But...


What does long distance mean to you? How long would it have to be before you wouldn't be able to make regular contact. Let's make two definitions of regular contact: once a week and twice a week.


For me (if it's for true love):


Once a week: 9 hours

Twice a week: 6 hours



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This has been an issue that has been on my mind a lot lately, seeing as though my significant other is moving to a state that is a 24 hour drive away from where I will be.


Like you said, long distance is long distance, whether its 2 hours away or a day away, it's still strenuous on a relationship. It takes dedication and, like you said, true love, to really make it through. Although hard, it can be done.


In my case, I would have to say that once a month will have to suffice for regular contact, seeing as though we will be so far away from each other.

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For me it would all depend on how much money I had. If they lived on the other side of the planet, I'd still go every weekend if I could afford it. I'd go as much as time and money will allow me to.


Yep, money is a big factor. My girlfriend lives 4500 miles away, so I'd count that as long distance. I'd go more often if I could afford it, but we have to save for the future.

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mmmm define long distance... hows this...


I live in England, my girlfriend is from Poland but currently working in miami... 4500 miles away... i get to see her once every 2 months for a week at the moment, this will continue at least until January... maybe longer...


Long distance, i dont think it can get much longer, certainly in time apart before seeing each other, 2 month gaps feel like lifetimes, its not fun, but when were together it makes up for it and someday we may be together if we make it through, we shall see eh.


If the feelings are strong enough and both people are realistic the distance makes no difference.


Good luck to all the ldr's!

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My long distance which will occur is seemingly more bearable, but strenuous enough at 600 KMs, or a 5-8 hour drive (go traffic). Nonetheless, it is painful to be away from someone you love for such long durations, when you wish you could be with them every moment of every day.

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My long distance relationship is about 1500 miles apart. I'm in Maryland, my boyfriend is in North Dakota. Since he joined the air force, we've been able to see each other relatively every 2 months, give or take a bit. That will be changing in the near future now that he's permanently stationed and elligible for deployment.


Our phone contact is almost every night, but it's one-sided as I have no contact number for him as he doesn't have a cell phone...yet...I'm supposed to go down for Labor day and if he doesn't have one by then I hope to drag him to the store.


While miles wise we don't have that much distance(it's about a 2 day drive, 5 hour flight...with connections visiting is made difficult because the military basically owns him. So, I come second, though he says that's not true.


Distance sucks, but in this case, I think it's worth it.

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I'm not even sure how many 1000's of miles my husband and I are apart. He's in Iraq I'm in Tennessee. We get to talk on the phone about once a week if we can catch eachother. He's never sure when he'll be on a run or not. He left home in Jan and left the states in March . It's been about 5 mo. since I've seen him in person. But through letters, and IM we're actually growing closer in our relationship. We've been able to discuss things that due to shyness probably would have never come up face to face. I've found even though we'll be apart about 18 mo. total there are ways to use his time to bless our marriage.

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LONG DISTANCE.........HMMMMMMMMMM how about I live in USA and my faincee lives in the Philippines.... half way around the world. I met her online. Visited her after getting to know her for 5 months via, email, yahoo IM, Cell Phone calling and text messaging, and postal mailings.


I stayed with her for 32 days in the Philippines and 3 days before I returned I proposed to her giving her an engagement ring and diamond earrings. It will be a year since we have been together this coming October. We continue to chat online and only once a week for the last 2 months because we are both working hard to start our future together.


She will get her fiancee visa and come to the USA but this may not be until the end of 2005. So is this long distance and has the long distance DEFINITION been defined?


When love is strong and it really is love then the distance is only a mind game to battle. You still have your independence in which you must rely on. You weren't born unto this world with a companion. You can't expect that to be happy is to have another in your life. You can't make other's happy if you aren't happy yourself. So, if you can be the independent person that you were as a youngster having fun with no responsibilities well then this is what you have to be while in a distant relationship in order to stay strong. Otherwise it won't last!!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm in Palm Beach-Florida and he's in Tampa right now so thats like 4 hours driving.Its not really much if you think of it but the problem here is that if we could see each other on weekends that'd be great but unfortunately we cant cause he works EVERY weekend and when I say every weekend I mean it,so its frustrating.Cause then he goes to school in the mornings and I work mostly in the afternoons so we can only see each other once a month or sometimes twice but it has to be on week days cause he cant see me on weekends.He doesnt even like his job and I dont understand what person in the world would like to work every weekend but I dont know how many times I have told him to get a new job.*sighs* Anyway,I was there last week and I dont know when we're going to see each other again,specially cause we had just started the no contact thing for a while,until he realizes what he wants so...my birthday is a month and a half away and I wish that I could be with him but now I really dont know

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  • 1 year later...

In my case, long distance is defined as ANY distance, in which you cant meet for a quick coffee, or go out for an unplanned dinner... My ex and I lived the past year and a half of our relationship only 100 miles apart. But with her having to sell her car for school, and working weekends, and me working 5-6 days a week, it became enough that it distanced us. I think it may have actually been harder, knowing that she is ONLY 100 miles from me, and still we struggled to work through it.


People will say that if its your true love, no distance will matter. While this is true, DONT rely on love alone.

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My boyfriend is in a different continent, different hemisphere. I am in England and he's in Australia. I'll see him in a month but I don't know when we can afford to see eachother again after that. We talk on the phone about twice a week. I miss and love him so much... but I guess absense makes the heart grow fonder!

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  • 2 weeks later...

It is completely dependant on a person's lifestyle! If i worked a lot of went to school full time, there's no way that i would have time to drive more than an hour each way more than twice a week, you know? In my PARTICULAR instance, my SO was 3000 miles away, so I'd say that was pretty long distance for most people! LOL!

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Same here. I am in Asia and the guy I am dating is in North America. We met through friends when I lived there. It's now been a few months since our relationship became half world long distance. What I can say is it's so hard emotionally and physically. I initially let us go our ways when I relocated because I saw no possibility that we would be together in the near future. He insisted in keeping in touch (i.e., chat almost everyday, view each other's webcam, talk on skype sometimes). Basically, we talk more than when the relationship was not a long distance one. It's so sad to think that we will have to be apart that long (at least 3 years) and I am so tempted to let go every time I think about it. I am trying to be strong but this is so hard.

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  • 7 months later...

I am currently in a long distnace relationship. We did not start dating until i moved to away to go to college. This is my first relationship, and he lives 10 hours away. I do not have a car, or enough money for any other mode of transportation. I will only get to see him for thanksgiving and christmas. im actually very afraid that by the time thanksgiving comes around we wont be together anymore.

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