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Hey guys. I'm currently on the birth control patch. I know that this provides no protection against stds, but just for pregnancy purposes, how risky do you think it would be for me and my longtime boyfriend to have sex without a condom, but with him pulling out? I've heard all different answers, but it seems that if it is supposed to be very effective, i wouldnt become pregnant. ANy ideas?

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All I can say is this...it is not as effective as using contraceptive measures such as condoms or the pill. This has to do with a couple of factors...first you are still young so your body might not be so "predictable" when it comes to those things. It takes some time to adjust to a regular cycle...

Second...even then it is doubtful whether you have a 100 percent security even if you have a regular cycle...statistically proven, although I cannot give you exact numbers here. So if you do not want to get pregnant use some kind of contraceptive...if you dont like condoms think of the pill or a diaphragm...


Best wishes...hope i could help?!

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from the replys i have been getting it seems like yall think i am not on birth control. i am on the patch, which is as effective as the pill. My question was basically in reference to whether or not it would be safe to be on this and not use a condom regarding getting pregnant.

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I'm on the Patch, too. It's a form of birth control in and of itself, just like the Pill. That means it's what's supposed to stop you for getting pregnant. And if you're using it correctly, there's less than a 1% chance you'll get pregnant (which is as good as it gets!).


So to answer your question, yes! You can have all the sex you want. Just remember that it won't protect you from any kind of STD's. I've been on the Patch for about a year and a half now, and have been having sex without condoms or spermicide or "pulling out" for the WHOLE time, and have never gotten pregnant. This is not superstition. Read the little insert that comes with your Patch box. It will tell you everything you know (although in very tiny letters!). I would never use a form of birth control I didn't trust 100%.


The only time you need to use condoms or any other back-up method is when you start to use the Patch for the very first time, and if your Patch comes off for more than one day.


The person who put you on the Patch should've explained all of this to you. But you're lucky your misinformation resulted in you being TOO safe rather than NOT SAFE ENOUGH. Maybe they were trying to scare you into using condoms to avoid the risk of STD's, which I would highly recommend if you're not in a monogamous relationship where both you and your partner have been tested for every STD imaginable (as I am).


The only issue I have with the Patch is that I have sensistive skin, and only now am I started to get irritated. I wear my patch on my lower abdomen, switching it from side to side, and am a little upset that I don't go in my bikinis without announcing to the world that I'm having protected sex!!!


If you have any more questions, feel free to post back.



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