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What now?


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My wife and I of 14 years split up 5 months ago. After talking with each other for several months, I think we have both come to the realization that it's likely really over.


I think I'm ok with not having "her" per se, but i am having a hard time moving on and am suffering long term stress/anxiety more because I have pretty much Zero emotional support. I moved to a different state then my friends and family a long time ago and coupled with being in a relationship for so long, I now have no friends and my family is preoccupied with their own lives.


Basically the only reason I even talk with my ex is to avoid isolation and the fear that brings with it.


Are others going through similar issues? What should I do?

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What steps have you been taking to meet new people and build up a new support system?


Think of it this way - you're basically using her for company, when you should be giving her the space to move on. If you can't let her go for your own sake, do it for hers.

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I'm sorry to hear that - 5 months is not a lot of recovery time. Any chance you could try to reconnect with some friends if any are living somewhere close to you? It is harder to make new friends after school - but what about work people? That might be a place to form some friendships. Perhaps have a look for a club that oganises activities for its members - they are pretty much designed to help people make new friends and meet people..

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