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Sleeping Troubles..


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Hi all,


I have always had trouble sleeping, it takes me a good 2-3 hours to fall asleep, and sometimes, especially if I'm worried about something, it just won't happen at all. However, when I do fall asleep, I am guaranteed to sleep until something wakes me up, whether it be an alarm, text message, doorbell, etc.


However, lately I have been having a constant string of nightmares with a similar theme. In the nightmare I am attacked by something, at first it was a lion, but the past two times have been spiders (I haven't got a phobia or anything like that). But perhaps the weirdest part of all is that when I wake up, I'm standing in the middle of my bedroom with the lights turned on.


If anybody could offer any insight into why this might be happening, or what I could do to stop it, or possibly if you've had a similar experience in the past, I'd much appreciate your knowledge and advice.



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You're suffering from a particular form of REM sleep behaviour disorder, and you would benefit from a clinical sleep study. Contact your doctor and ask to be referred to a sleep lab. They will get you to spend the night there and examine the structure of your sleep with PSG (basically sleep-specific EEG), and also monitor your behaviour on camera to see when you get up and turn the lights on, and what is happening in your sleep at that time. They should also be able to help with the primary insomnia.

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