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I was about 7 years old and truly coveted one of those big pink erasers. My family was struggling and money for anything extra was rare. So, my Aunt - the mean one that whacked on me randomly - took it upon herself to buy it for me. I was happy suspicious. She looked uncomfortable with the gift giving but I didn't care, I was so grinning ear to ear. Second happy memory came about the same time, I had popcorn for the first time. Yeah... good times.

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Riding my motorbike, and then listening to Broadway musicals and dancing lol... I cannot say which one is the happiest, because for one, they are ongoing events, for two, I'm always so ''high'' and excited that it goes far above the measure scale. Every time I'm doing them, I could dissolve from happiness.

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Riding my motorbike, and then listening to Broadway musicals and dancing lol... I cannot say which one is the happiest, because for one, they are ongoing events, for two, I'm always so ''high'' and excited that it goes far above the measure scale. Every time I'm doing them, I could dissolve from happiness.


Good point, driving really does it for me as well, get some good music that sends some chills up our spine, rock the ray-bans on PCH...especially when I get my new car soon...that and lifting, nothing like that rush of the feeling when you leave

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