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reasoning behind paranoia??


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Very long story short, my close friend and I broke up our friendship - stupid reason really: She stood me up, and when I confronted her about it she basically got upset and decided that we should no longer be friends.


Anyway, she unfriended me from facebook, but unfortunately to her - we still have mutual friends there. The thing is that I decided not to let this bother me, so I still comment on my other friends posts. Well, on one, she commented, and when I commented below her comment, she went back and deleted her comment.


She does things like this - very weird. When I was still her friend on facebook, right before she broke up our friendship, she had locked up her facebook to me where I was only able to view some posts.


Does anyone know why anyone would do this?? Am I really *that* harmful to her that I am not allowed to even share friends with her?

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Don't be fooled - she was never a "good friend".


She sounds like she likes people only when things go her way. Like kittyboo above says, it's no really big loss. It might hurt at first, but in the end people like her will only hurt you in the end.


This is what I have a hard time believing. She wasn't like this before but became this way.

We used to be close friends for about 4 years. When I went through some very bad family problems, she was there for me and for that I am forever grateful for. But then last year, she started to change. Minor things like standing me up, avoiding me, etc.


What I don't understand is my own psychology: Why do I care so much about it?? And yes, it did hurt me.

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