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here is my original post and background link removed



Ok. I have posted my problems here and alot of you have helped me out. Here is the stupid mistake I made. We recently spent some time with each other after a month without seeing each other. It was great and she told me that she had a good time.


Fast forward about a week and we are talking on the phone. I broke down and started thinking with my emotions. I told her how much I loved her and so on...She told me that we both need to see what life is like without each other and that I shouldnt have any hopes about "us", but if it is meant to be we will happen again. She also said we need to explore and meet and experience new people. Im pretty sure I frustrated her very badly by doing all this(she told me so) and I feel like I've gone back to square one. I feel like if I dont fight for her Im giving up and admiting defeat. I ended the whole conversation by saying that I didnt think we should talk for a while and that I would contact her when I felt I was ready to talk.


My question is do you all think I have totally blown it? Should I have told her not to call me? What else should I do or shouldnt do to get her back?

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I don't think you blew it. She didn't totally knock down the idea of getting back together in the future. I agree with the decison you said about you being the one to call her when you were ready. She seems to be collected and steady. I think you need to go out there and meet new people and maybe date around a little. If she is going to be doing this you should too. Like I said, I doubt you blew it, but it might be best for you back away for bit. Recouperate and clear your mind. Good luck

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