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Flirting ideas.. Guys how would you like a girl to flirt?

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I'm going to see my crush tomorrow 7/26 and I've decided to make a move and ask him out. Before I lead up to the big question I need to flirt alittle and make him feel comftable around me and also show that im interested so the question doesn't take him be surprise.

I really need ideas! I've searched every website I can find and they all same the same kinda stuff, but I hardly know the guy and the idea is to show him I like him enough so we can get to know each other better so things like touching him might scare him.

I've decided to wink whenever we hold eye contact long enough.

I'm really shy so I need a way to flirt without looking unnatural or nervous. I'm in a small group so it can't be anything over the top.

I'd appreciate any ideas esp from guys.. if a shy girl was flirting with you and you liked her too what would you like her to do before asking you out? and what can a girl do to say I like you too?

I really need help before 2morrow.

Thanks so much!!! This might be the last time I see him so I really gotta do something 2morrow.


- Starkitty

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Hi there Starkitty,

What I suggest is firstly to smile at him a lot, this well make both of you feel less nervous and thereforeeee ease the situation a little bit. You could ask him what he usually does on a weekend and whether he would like to do something different with you? Think about a way you could ask him in which there is no pressure on him but you still need to include the words 'go out' because he will know for sure that you like him.


Don't be afraid to be direct when asking him because guys like me like this approach and it's straight to the point. I guess you could check out articles on flirting (if you haven't already done so).


I know this is a cliche but just be yourself. I hope this helped you, please let me know how it goes.


Good luck!

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I would not wink, except maybe once, late in the conversation and only if he was reacting in a positive manner.


You've got a crush, great, but if you come on gangbusters, you could be making a mistake.


The simple thing is that almost all intereactions, from long-term relationships down to one night stands, follow similar progressions. We talk, make eye contact, then our bodies make a little contact just touching and not pulling away and having the touching last longer and longer, then we hold hands or share a quick peck. I would first manage your eye contact. Look in his eyes intently when he talks. When you break eye contact, always look down, never up or to the side (you probably do this anyway). When he stops talking, right as the sentence dies, let him stop, fix on his eyes then look down. Have a little smirk on your face, a smile without open lips for a few seconds before you break eye contact. Try to while you have eye contact, give him some bedroom eyes, you know imagine yourself to be a spy from an opposing country looking at James Bond as you lie on the bed and tell him to come take you (one of the ones that come in earlier in the movies).


Touch him, touch him on the forearms, let you hand stay there for a second. Then let it slide off. Play the other touching game if you are side by side, letting your hands come in contact, then part, contact then part. See is he comes looking for the contact.


Watch his body language. Read up on the net what a guys body language means.


Also, smile, especially when you talk. and lick you lips a bit.


If all of this is looking good. If he reacts well to it, then tell him that he is a lot of fun to be around, you enjoy talking with him. See how he reacts, does he like it too. Then tell him that "we should do it more often." See how he reacts. If he does not get it by now, I'd leave. But the one more daring move might be to ask him, when or just tell him to ask you out.

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The easiest way is to firstly just talk to him as you would to any other guy. Dont wait around to do it or your nerves will build and build and you will have no chance.


Guys love it when girls talk to them first (making the 1st move). When you are talking be yourself (of course) and keep on smiling and enjoy yourself.


Something I tend to hate about girls who come onto me (remember this is my personal annoyance) is when they talk about themselves aaaall the time to try asnd impress me. At first its ok because I'm learning about them but it tends to get boring and I have no input. So, remember to ask questions about him and look generally interested (no matter what!)


Anyways, good luck

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one word: his ego.


ok sorry that's two words. But when my ex would say things like, "you shoudl see all the guys talking about you, 'he's learning Japanese'" it make me feel so good.


And this goes both ways too. Whenever I talked about how my ex made the best hamburgers in the world, it really made her happy.


Now this will be hard to integrate into a flirt session, but if you can it will make im feel really good about himself. And when people feel good they will associate their surroundings (you) with what makes them feel good.


Everyone else gave great adivce on how to make him be turned on to you. But this one will help him associate happiness with you.


Good luck. By the way. You can practice on close friends. I have so many friends (who are girls) who I pracitce with. I'm getting pretty good at it to. i know how a properly placed, "hey sexy" will really make a girl feel good, esp when her bf isn't noticing her .

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Thank you so much! lol I'm gonna try hard to remember all this for 2morrow.


So I should.. smile, hold eye contact, make bedroom eyes at him, feed his ego, wink later in to the convo if he shows interest, maybe touch him, but he sits oppersite me so I might not do that and be natural. I'll give it my best shot and let you know what happens Thanks!

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  • 3 weeks later...

from a guys perspective.



eye contact and smile is a must!

and then KINO HIM and Compliment! with a mix of convo!

HE should get the MEssage.


from my experience:

well two girls did this to me already and i was semi attracted to them and it turns me on.

The first girl i didnt do anything i was a noob and the second girl i ask her out but she got a Boyfriend (proabably she is a attention \/\/HORE). i hate that on a women.


but i move on after that .....now a lot of girls try to flirt with me but cant decide who to go out with.


I am going back to school so i proabably find someone in there.

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as a guy i'd hafta say if your sittin next to him maybe stick your hand next to his not neccesarily touching but enough to let him know that your there and if he makes ne moves which he should if he has interest in you then just go with the flow i've also found as a guy when your in someplace cold try to kinda get close then and say your cold or somethin like that cuz it just gives the guy an excuse to get closer

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