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Hey guys and gals,


Just wanted to say thanks for everyones support here. Had a bad break up a month ago and this place has helped out a lot. I'm doing a lot better, I'm actually surprised that I feel this good and it's only been a month. NC does really work btw.


Anyway, I know it's over and I'm okay with that and know we are not gonna get back together again. Even if he came back I wouldn't take him. I value myself too much to sell my self short. I know I'm going through the grieving process and sometimes feel like I digress a step or two. Like last night I went out with some friends and saw couples out and about and started feeling really, really lonely. I cried a little when I got home too. Not for him, but was just feeling lonely. Last couple of days I was feeling good about myself and was making progress but last night and today I feel a bit down. I really want get over this asap, but feel like I'm taking a step back in my healing process. Is that normal. I just want to move on with my life, lick my wounds, learn from this and move on. Is this normal or am I just too emotional attached to what I had with my ex.

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Completely normal, I am going through the exact same thing and having read your message you've really given me hope about feeling good after a month's NC!


NC is the best way to go, my ex gf and I haven't spoken in 2 weeks, and though I miss her and feel lonely all the time you just have to keep reminding yourself of the reasons and stay strong.


The temptation will lessen over time, it has to, it's just the time going slowly that is a pain.


Hang in there, sounds like your doing great!

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It is normal girl especially since it only happened a month ago. You will go through all the stages from denial, anger, sadness, etc..in different orders and unexpected as well. Its not abnormal to feel lonely, especially when you see happy couple...errrr. But it sounds like this is the time to really find yourself and to be alone, as painful as that is. Especially after such a painful breakup. It gets easier over time and you will come out a stronger woman. Just focus on yourself right now, not a rebound, or another guy, just have some you time

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I have to agree, this is normal, well at least I hope it is because I am going through the same thing myself! It is hard being out an about and seeing all the happy couples and people having fun without a care in the world but this is a process and you have to respect that process in order to learn and grow from it. The sun will come out for you soon so stay strong.

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