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Hmm, so there is this guy I like and I'll text him the odd time.

Sometimes he won't text back, so unfortunately I text him more than once.

I know thats needy but I don't do that anymore.


Anyways I texted him about an hour ago saying "I've finally got my texts woo!"

And I got no reply.

I haven't texted him since then and I don't intend to cus it seems a bit creepy haha

What could be the reason for this? Could it be because I seemed needy before whenever I had texted him?


Should I play it all cool and mysterious from now on and be chased, instead of me always starting a text convo?

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Had a woman that literally texted me ALL the time. It got so bad that I actually had to talk to her about it, which was where it shouldn't have gone in the first place. Hold your bearing and try not to text too much beyond making it obvious that you're interested. Sometimes too much of anything is a bad thing, remember.

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All very good advice!

Would it be reasonable for me to seem...distant? As in don't contact him first, and if he does, act um mysterious?


No, don't play games. If he wants to be in contact with you, he will. Otherwise you know where he stands and that he is "just not that into you".

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