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anniversary- suggestions?

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I have a good one! Bake him a cake. I'd suggest not baking from scratch, if you don't have as much experience in baking. If you do want to bake from scratch, then bake one as a 'practice' cake. But if you want to make your life easier, I'd say: Buy the Phillsbury cake mix, or Sara Lee. I trust Sara Lee more. Sara Lee's frosting tastes better too. It's not bitter, and not too sweet!


Also, buy a small pan. I think that baking a small cake is cuter. I am sure that he will appreciate you for your efforts in baking him a cake. You can also try to White Mercedez cake. Make sure that you get the white cake mix, buy white frosting, and dec the cake out with some strawberries.


As a side present, you can buy him a dress shirt and tie. Anything that looks appropriate and charming. Keep the presents simple. It's the thought that counts more than anything. Some girls think that taking their boyfriends to Hooters is the best place to go, but I think that spending quiet time with him is more meaningful. Enjoy his B-day! Doesn't it feel great to give, especially if it's to the ones that we love? Have fun.-Mahlina

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The best gifts are not expensive ones, but ones for the person to which they are given.


I love classic cartoons, and when I got a gift from an ex of a looney tunes tie, I was thrilled.


When I got an expensive jacket from another one, it was nice but it was something she wanted to see me in, not something that was for me.


Think about what he likes and wants.

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Sorry, I read too quickly . My bad. But please do, still keep that idea for his b-day.


If it's your 1st anniversery, then I think that buying a nice frame, framing a picture of the two of you as a present would be nice. OR you can find a small picture of the two of you, and put it in a locket. I think that it's nice to buy anything that's symbolic of the two of you. Maybe you can sew a pair of matching jammies: One for you, and one for him, as a side present. Also, it would be fun for the two of you to have your pictures professionally done. Afterwards, you guys can enjoy the night by going out to a nice romantic restaurant. Then maybe you guys can relax somewhere quiet. Drive out to somewhere scenic/romantic, where you guys can see the stars. (To make it even better: it's a bigger Plus, if you guys do see a shooting star.)


Whatever it is, keep the presents simple. The activities spent on that day should be more memorable than the worth of any presents. I hope that your 1 year anniversery will be a Kodak memory that will last forever. Enjoy!! Mahlina

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