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I need someone to interpret this girl....

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I need help interpreting what this girl is doing.I met her a few months ago.She came up to me and talked to me first because I was a little shy.Well im over that now Im pretty comfortable around her now.


So we've been friends for a few months, and since day 1 I have had this huge crush on her.We are exactly like, we both like the same kind of music and we just click together really well.


Well she has a boyfriend.I know,I know, it sucks.But despite that she has been sending me mixed signals since Ive met her.Like she wrote "I


And the past few days she's been staying at my house because her mom isout of town.ANd she wont sleep in the guest room, she sleeps in my room,I sleep in the quest room.And she told me she masterbated in my bed last night....


I know it might seem obvious to some people but the way she says it she makes it really unclear.



and another question.I wanted to flirt with her to see her reaction.But I dont know really what to do and Im kinda nervous about doing that...


any advice is appreciated....

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Dear Newfoundglory:


She is definitely coming on to you but since she has a boyfriend I would wait to make a serious move. She maybe flirting with you to get attention or she may be sincere.


I have to wonder about a girl who has a b/f and flirts with another guy. Why is she telling you things about marriage and being soul mates when she's involved with someone else? I would come right out and ask her this. How's to say that if you two were to get together that she wouldn't do the same thing behind your back. Just be careful.



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You could possibly just ask her? And tell her that you've been getting mixed signals, and are unsure how she really feels. She shouldn't be doing ANY of that stuff if she even cares about her "boyfriend", atleast not masturbate in ur bed... And tell you!


... What have you got to lose anyways???

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hey! well...at first i was thinking she could just want to be friends. i mean it really depends on your relationship which only you know. but considering the time you guys have been friends, if she says things like what you mentioned, this girl definitely needs you. she may just "know" that you like her, and like that feeling that theres somebody she can always fall back on.


you didnt mention her relationship with her bf, that would be something to consider. are they having problems? has she said that she loves him? are they reallllly close? if its not all that great, then she may be flirting alot MORE with you because she has always had that connection with you and now she realizes she LIKES you. i mean a girl REALLY WANTING to sleep in your bed (personally i would not like to sleep in any of my "friends" beds--my bfs, i wud LOVE TO) and then MASTURBATING in it!! she was getting off your scent! she obviously is flirting. honeslty you need to tell her that you do like her and you feel that she feels the same way. that she feels you two are meant to be and see what she says. ofcourse consider the above, espeically her relationship with her bf, but ya the best thing to do would be to talk to her. but you do have a good plan yourself, start flirting back and see what happens. if she doesn't wnat anything happening then she'll back off. you should flirt, say things that she says, make "jokes" about you two going out, you don't have to grab her butt cheek to flirt. so think about both the nature of your friendship and her relatiosnhip with her bf, and try the flirting thing. best of luck!

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Where have I been all of these years? SMILE BIG! I am a bit disturbed by her telling you she masturbated in your bed! I have to laugh about it. But it is not something a girl with her head on right should be telling a boy that she is interested in. I know I would never say something like that! I am a grown woman! I can't stop chuckling though.

This is a come on. She definitely is interested in you. She just has been so over forward that she might as well to have shot you in the forehead.

How ever it appears you like this girl in a different way than she does you. Sounds to me like she out for sex and that's all. A shallow heart is a shallow mind.


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