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I Feel Sick to leave him and I feel Sick to stay


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My bf and I are crazy about each other but we are also poison for each other. We started off on the wrong foot both of us lying but he took it to levels i never imagined possible. I stopped lying and flirting and he started lying more and cheating. We broke up and i felt sick to my stomach everyday. Right away he got a new gf which really hurt me and made sure everyone knew about it. I felt embarrased that he didn't consider how it made me look and in fact bragged about it. Two weeks passed and we got back together as we both missed each other very much. He broke off with her before we got back. I do forgive him but I feel that he has two sides to him. One very sweet and another very selfish and inconsiderate for anyone involved. If it benefits him he does not care if someone else feels bad or looks bad in the public view. At times i think he just lacks morals.

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I have done my share to make him feel insecure in our relationship but its not the cheating that suprised me its the way he went about it. He is coming to visit me from the other side of the globe but Im not sure if im ready to face him because im full of resentment and hate.

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Excuse me for using this quote, but "What happened, happened and could not have happened any other way."


So it already happened, and you can't go back to change it, the important right now is what you and him are doing. Can you imagine him changing, can you imagine yourself handling it in the future if he doesn't. Also are you in a long distance relationship with him?

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Right now we are in a long distance relationship we talk everyday. Right now I feel we are hanging on by a thread. I do think he has changed a lot since i met him but if he slips one more time Im out. Everyday i feel like Im waiting for the day that he makes the next mistake (or should I say choice). Its becoming overwhelming for me. I just hate liars.

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See that is the thing, as long as you continue to make excuses for him, he gets to continue to act this way. They act the way we allow them to act. You have a choice where you can stay with a man that makes you unhappy or you can be choose to be alone and find someone that enjoy someone else's pain.

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I was talking to my sister today and she said i've changed a lot in a weird way. It interesting because when your in love you cant imagine loving someone else but the way you put it sounds easy. This relationship does often make me feel hopeless and fearful of the future. Its obviously not healthy. You have wise words thank you. I hope I will gather my strength.

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