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why am i always like this?

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i hate this why do i always end up with wrong guys, i hate myself i always judge guys by looks, its like if his not good looking i feel like its not gonna work, cuzz my friends wont aprove, or somthing and once im with a cute guy there complete jerks, and i always fall for bad boy thing i hate this how can i change any sites or whatever that explain this how can i change

like i got hooked up with this guy on the phone and i completely like him but once i met and saw him i changed how i feel now im confused..

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Lol well most people are like this. Like it or not looks matter, they aren't everything but it's what will make you or him come accross the crowded dance floor to get a conversation started. Unless you can read minds and it's the looks that drag you in.


Hence for those like me who aren't blessed with looks life has/is/and will continue to be a lonely road.

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Hm, something tells me i've heard this story before... I don't blame you for having high standards in the looks department, because looks do count, but you're putting a little too much weight on it. A lot of girls fall victim to this. Next time you see a guy who you're attracted to, don't be misguided by his appearance. Get to know him first a little more, and if the personality isn't appealing to you, move on. You just gotta learn to balance it out more. It comes with experience.

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Ask yourself this question: would you rather that your friends approved of your a boyfriend that spends more time on his hair than you do and ignores you, or would you rather be with someone who is actually glad to be with you? Someone who will actually be interested in you?


I'm not saying that every not-so-attaractive guy is going to be like that, but you're going to have better luck finding someone who is interested in you if you actually give them a chance and not just judge them by their looks.


Just a not-so-attaractive guy's 2 cents.

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It took me awhile to realize this but yes I agree, looks do matter but they SHOULD NOT be the basis of a relationship. You need some balance. Find a guy with looks (he DOES NOT have to be super hot) but kinda lower your standards just a notch. Get a guy with SOME intelligence (he does not have to be a walking brain) and not some dude who has been in the 12th grade for three years. Get with someone with an actual, and rewarding future. Make sure you OBSERVE before you jump onto some guy, some bad boys fake the nice guy act and are actually easy to spot if you take better notice. Just remember no one is going to be perfect but you have got to kick the "HOT GUYS ARE THE ONLY ONES FOR ME" act or you are going to be used and abused over and over and over and over again and next thing you know, you hate ALL guys. then you start getting with the nice guys and break them. It is like a virus and it is up to you to quarantine it by simply changing your preference to a more LOGICAL standard. And yes, I am not very attractive and I see this type of stuff ALL THE TIME. But just emember, homely guys can be just as bad. A little research is all you need.


Think things over and be more reasonable and open-minded instead of being shallow (I did not mean that in an offensive way.) and you will find yourself a good guy. It is going to take some digging through the field of bad guys however because a good guy might be hard to get to. Good luck!

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