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MY BEST FRIEND..........help

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ok here goes, my best friend is a guy about 5 years older than me. We are totally comfortable with each other and both are single. occasionaly, the the topic of relationships comes up and a few times we ended up talking about us being together. I havent said much about it but he seems to have mixed views. He says he likes me and that he sometimes thinks i'm the perfect girl for him but he doesn't want to risk losing me so he prefers to remain friends. I'm ok with that but the last time we spoke he said that he can only love me as a best friend and not a gf because i deserve so much more. I realise that I do have feelings for him but i dont know what i should do and what i should think of what he said. Any advice?

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If you ever get into a relationship with this guy (read: sex) it will never be the same. Your guy friend is right, if you do get into a relationship it will compromise the friendship. Respect his wishes - there are many men out there but very few life long meaningful friends.

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