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What's my best bet to rekindle interest?


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Met a girl online. Known each other about 2 months. She seemed really into me at first so I went with it. She even initiated the first kiss, it was hot and heavy. Live 50 miles apart. Saw each other to do something once or twice a week. A few texts every day. I've performed oral on her (nothing in return) but when I tried to have sex with her she says "are you sure you're ready for that." So I quit. She kinda got weird after this point but did still contact me. Currently she won't text me unless I text her first and she will rarely follow up with a second text after I reply again. Like I'm a bother. I asked her our relationship status and her words were, "we are chillin' to see if we are what one another wants."


My thoughts are that I've done too much and perhaps pushed myself on her too quickly. We put Christmas lights on her house. I've always paid for everything when going out, and for food. I've bought her and her children a little something for Christmas. I checked her car over before she went on a long trip this weekend and even paid for a new tire. We've not spoken since a text Thursday night (it's now Sunday). She just arrived home from her trip a few hours ago.


Now, what's my best bet at regaining her interest? Would talking and apologizing for coming on too strong be a good thing to do or would that just emphasize the fact?


Thanks in advance for advice.

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I don't think you need to apologize or discuss it. Just give her a bit of breathing room and see what happens. I don't think there's anything wrong with the actions you've taken (checking her car, putting up lights together) but maybe spending so much money isn't a great idea. I know that in the beginning stages of a relationship someone buying so much would make me feel sort of guilty and pressured. I'm not sure she should have let you buy her a new tire, for example.

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Ok, that sounds fair. I've made it clear that I do these things because I want to.. and that I'm kind of old fashioned and that's just how I am. She's offered to buy her meals and take me out and I declined.


But we've also talked about how my friends thought she was using me. I should have never mentioned it to her. She said she was not and she didn't like that they think she did.


She claims she still likes me very much and nothing has changed. But I feel differently, and she acts differently.

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