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Life Can't Get Any Worse....(I Hope)

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I'll make this quick. The last 7 months of my life have been some of the hardest I have ever dealt with. I consider myself a strong person but this has been tough. I am a freshman in college. I lost my girlfriend when college started. She is 3000 miles away on the other side of the country. When I saw her again she turned into someone completely different. Seeing that crushed me even more then I was before. I want anyone out there to try to stop loving someone you can't see, hold or touch anymore, it's like torture. My grandfather passed away from a fall he had shortly after that. I swhiched schools mid-semester because i was unhappy at my old one. I knew no one at my new one. I don't have any friends at my new school. My sister suffers from an eating disorder and I am watching her destroy herself and It impossible to help her unless she wants to be helped. My parents don't know how to help her. She's not even herself anymore. At the beginning of this year my family filed for bankrupcy. Then we had to put our dog of 12 years to sleep and now my grandmother is days, hours and minutes of passing away. I'm strong but I ain't superman. School seems like the last thing I need to worry about right now although it's the first. I feel like I've watched my family fall apart and I haven't felt like myself since I left for college. I need help, I can't take much more of this. I sometimes wish things were as they used to be.

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Hey man, hang in there! There's always tough times in one's life. How you deal with it makes you the man you become. You're obviously very family oriented, and I know how devastating when everyone around you seems to be suffering. Just remember there're things in the world that you have no control over, and you have to depend on God. You can only help out whatever you can, and you should feel that you've done your best you could. If you need more help, email email removed


Good Luck!

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After every dark night, there's a bright day after that. So stick your chest out, keep your chin up, and handle it.


-Tupac Shakur



Definitely tough stuff you're dealing with. It can't be easy getting hit with all of this stuff at once. But remember the above quote. Life is unpredictable, but there will be better days

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