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Is it true or was it just the alcohol?

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I'm great friends with this guy he is 24 which is 7 years older than me. He is a really good friend to me and always helps me out when I have any problems. Not too long ago I was invited to this big party at female friends house. The guy I like T.M. was there he had been drinking but not like completely drunk. Just a side note I don't drink. When he saw that I was there he hugged me and was so glad to see me. He showed me around the place and then he wanted me to sit down on the couch with him. We talked and he put his arm around me then held my hand. All the rest of the night he kissed my forehead and told me how awesome I was. Towards the end of the night my ex calls me and gets me really upset. So T.M. takes me outside and just holds me in his arms for 30 minutes telling me everything is ok and that I shouldn't worry about a jerk like my ex. By that time I realize that it's super late and I should go home. He walked me to my car and kept telling me to be very careful that I needed to call him when I got home so he knew I was safe. So I went for a goodbye hug and he just held me in his arms in the driveway for an hour. We talked about my ex and how I deserve better. I looked up at him while he was talking and he kissed me. While still holding me he apologized and told me he was so sorry he didn't mean to kiss me. So Then he kissed me again even after that whole I'm sorry speech! I was so happy because I really like this guy. The next day he couldn't stop apologizing for kissing me. I told him it was ok and everything was fine. He keeps on trying to make up reasons why he hugged me or put his arm around me or said the things he said. What I am wondering is do any of you think that he really likes me and he hid it from me so when he drank the alcohol brought out true feelings? He tells me I need to wait 4 months before I date anyone else...In 4 months is my birthday I will be 18 like exactly 4 months. Is he hinting? I'm so confused I can't stop thinking about those kisses they were soooo amazing. Give me all the advice you can give! Please help!

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yea the guy sounds kinda like me. he probably went home and thought about it after he got more sober, and maybe he thought that things didnt work out like he wanted. So he tried to make it up by saying there were reasons for doing all those things.


It sounds like the 4 months thing is probably a hint, it matters how he said it. If he just said it like out of nowhere, making up some stupid reason, its a hint. You should mess around with him and be like "why not 3 months, or 3 and 1/2" just to see what he says.

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Hi Hopefulless7,


Welcome to Enotalone.com!


I would have to say this guy really likes you and is probably just very shy. I don't know the whole story but, I think the four month thing is a hint and also it gives you time to separate yourself from your ex more. It does sound like the alcohol made him more confident in approaching you.


Hubman 8)

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There might be some feelings for you in there, but at the same time, there is a big age difference. You're in high school, and he is, or should be out of college and in the real world.


The 18 thing is/maybe a legal thing. He can't get in trouble later...but could now.


Be careful with your heart and who you entrust it to. I suggest at this age, hang with your peer group as your preferred dating partners. Don;t get into serious relationships right now. There's a lot of living ahead of you.



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Thanks to all of you who gave me advice!

He is always always flirting with me. Everyday he tells me how beautiful I look and that I'm his babydoll. He knows it makes me blush when he says I'm his babydoll. There was this guy who was being horrible to me and at the time my ex didn't defend me. T.M. defended me and made sure that I was always close to him while that jerk guy was around. I'm just counting down the days until I turn 18 to see what happens with this. I'm going to try that "Why not 3 and 1/2 months?" thing to see what he says. I'll keep this updated as soon as I get more stuff out of this guy. hehe

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