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Ignoring Ex Bf's Contact...Now I'm 2nd Guessing

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Hello Again ENA.....


I posted a couple of weeks ago that my ex texted me. Since then he has called twice. I have been sticking to my guns by not responding but lately I have been regretting not responding because I feel I should at least hear what he has to say. This past month has been the first time I have not responded to his calls or text (has been texting me every 2-3 weeks since our BU). The last time he called was last sunday, then 2 days later his friend called me out of the blue just to see how I was "doing", which I found odd considering I have not spoke to this friend since our breakup. I am pretty curious to what is going on to why he is still contacting me..I would like to call him back but I fear he will tell me something I don't wanna hear.


Should I call him back or pick up IF he calls back again????

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Do you really want to hear what he has to say or do you still have feelings? I've been in the position you are in and I would hold off a little longer and see if he continues... if you still feel the same then answer and agree to hear him out...

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If he calls pick - he will call only so many times and you should hear him - then just make a judgement call but ignoring will only reflect immaturity on your end after a while.


Also it will look lame if then its YOU who starts calling him,


Take the call calmly, hear him and if its nonsense just ignore the contents of what he says and move on but it might just be what you want to hear!

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After our last conversation when he told me about this chick he was dating and I should move on and all that fun stuff *sarcasm*. From that point on I really wanted to heal and move on with my life, so I decided to go straight NC. So I really don't see it as immaturity on my part....just taking the advice he gave me a month ago

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Good for you...NC should mean just that....NO CONTACT. He's the one who dumped YOU right? He's the one who told you move on, right? Then if he wants to contact you, to talk to you, to beg for you back or whatever, MAKE HIM WORK FOR IT. If he's serious, he'll try again. If he's not, and just wanted a booty call or a stroke on his ego, then he won't.

Don't give in, don't second guess yourself. You did just what you set out to do when you started NC.

Good luck.

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