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The Pill Vs. The Shot

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Hey everyone,

I was just wondering which method of birth control has more benefits and less side effects between the pill and the shot (depo provera). Which method have you used and how has it effected you? Although the shot is definitely less of a hassle because you don't have to remember to take it everyday, doctors have now come to the conclusion that it can cause severe osteoporosis (Ugh!)

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Hey everyone,

I was just wondering which method of birth control has more benefits and less side effects between the pill and the shot (depo provera). Which method have you used and how has it effected you? Although the shot is definitely less of a hassle because you don't have to remember to take it everyday, doctors have now come to the conclusion that it can cause severe osteoporosis (Ugh!)


Hello ~Tinkerbell~


Currently I am on the pill Ortho Tri Cyclen, for about 5 years and I have never had a problem. It regulates my period. I never get cramps. I would recommend the pill even though I never took the shot, but I know people who have and they all tell me with the shot you don't know when you get your period and you get spotting. And I personally don't like needles. I never heard that it can cause osteoporosis , but also with the pill if you smoke ciggarettes and you are over 35 it can cause a heart attack, or stroke. (which is VERY rare) But I smoke and even though I'm younger I don't worry about it. I would recommend the pill. As for remembering to take it I keep it in my bathroom and every night when I wash up I take it. It's easy for me to remember.

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I have used almost all of the methods except the more permant ones. I have used the pill and that worked ok but then i was always forgetting it. Thats how I got pregnant actually because I forgot to take it and then bomb im prego, Anyways after my pregancy I tryed the shot for like 9 months that totally messed my period up. I didnt have one for like 3 months then I had one after three months and I bleed for almost 3 weeks none stop. But it was just spotting, on top of that I also Had cramps and serious mood swings which almost detroyed my relationship with my bf. Then I said forget it im gonna try the patch. Othro Evera Patch works great. My period id always on time and its shorter than it used to be. I asked the doctor if it had any side effects and she said this is the birth contol method out of all except the condom and foam that is almost hormone free. she said it was 99% free of hormones. I think it works great I have been using it for about 6 months now. You change it once a week. and then the 4th week you dont wear one so your period will come.


I suggest the patch over all the methods. I have never had any problems with it.


Also with the shot I gained some weight.


Good Luck with your decision

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I would recommend trying the Depo Provera shot PILLS first. They actually make a pill so you can try it out because once you get the shot, if you don't like it, you're stuck with the side effects for 3+ months (sometimes more like six months).


I can take the Pill but it makes me depressed and kills my sex drive. I tried The Ring and that was a little better, but still somewhat the same as The Pill.


The shot, however, makes me a raving lunatic. I get so depressed that I think about suicide, can not control my temper. I tried it a long time ago and then recently and it's amazing how nutty it makes me.


But my best friend swears by the shot. Loves it. The Pill makes HER nuts.


Some people can use either and have no problems.


I wish I'd known about the Depo pills before taking the shot.

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My doctor told me that once you get teh shot and you stay on it for those first three months and then you decide to quit taking it. The side effects can stay with you for 18 months at the longest. So the depo pill is a good idea if your really pushing for that.

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I'm on the shot...I've got it twice now. (you get one every few months) someone in an earlier reply said it made it hard for her to control her temper and made her depressed-I have problems with depression etc. but my anger has been so much worse lately, so now I'm wondering if it's bc of the shot.

Anyway, I liked it at first bc I didn't get my period. But towards the end of my first shot, I was on my period straight for weeks. And now, on my 2nd shot, I'm already on my period again! I'm planning on trying the patch next...



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I was on Depo for 3 years & LOVED it! I only got my period once that entire time. But I went off of it for 2 reasons...

1) I wasn't having sex anymore

2) I've heard that it takes a long time for it to get out of your system , hence making it difficult to get pregnant.

Anyway.... it took 9 months after coming off the shot for me to get my period. And now a year a half later, my period is still pretty off. If I'm lucky I get it every 5-6 weeks. Most people would think this is a blessing but not if you have no idea when to expect it.

I think I'm ready to try the Pill to at least regulate my period.

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