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England, Scotland, Ireland


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Next year I have planned to study abroad and I have narrowed it down to three places which interest me. The one's that appealed to me were England (Leeds or London), Scotland (Glasgow or Stirling) or Ireland (Limerick, Galway, Dublin, or Cork) and those are the locations offered for each country. I am having a very hard time deciding, especially because each place seems really interesting but I don't really know much about the places, besides of what I am sure are misconceptions of the cultures. If I could I would go to each place, but that's not an option.


If anyone has visited or lives in one of these places, I would like to know which place would appeal most to a student (Law Degree) and any sort of input would be appreciated. I also plan to do some research of my own to make my decision, but it would help me to hear some views from others who actually know the places.


Thank you in advance!

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Ireland is beauty it is (i'm half Irish) but from an education stand point your best bet would be England the universities are top notch.. economic wise they are are more financially sound and there is a greater diversity there also Ireland and Scotland are not far off so it is easy to get there and do a few sight seeing... England can offer you a little more...

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Glasgow is a fantastic city. Very vibrant and a great music scene. If you're doing Law, I'd imagine you'd be attending Glasgow University. It's located in the West End which is quite bohemian. Like a smaller version of the village in NYC.


Stirling is pretty boring tbh. Sure there are lots of historic sites and the university campus is picturesque but it's a really, really small city with not much to do.

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I guess it depends whether you want the vibrant big city experience or the beautiful countryside experience. The big cities on the list are London, Leeds, Glasgow or Dublin. Personally, I wouldn't live in either Leeds or Glasgow unless you offered me a very large sum of money, but that's just my personal preference. Dublin is quite pleasant, but I think if you're going to do the big city thing then do it properly, which means London. Very good for a law student as well, obviously.


If you want to do the countryside thing instead, then the options are Stirling, Cork, Limerick or Galway. I hear negative things about Cork, though I've not yet been there (visiting in about a month, though, so I could say more then). Galway is okay, though I imagine it might be a bit dull to live there. Similarly for Stirling from what I've heard (not visited that either), and I don't know anything about Limerick but I suspect the same applies as well. I don't think any of those are must-live places really; if you wanted to attractive small city and countryside, there are many better places.


So overall, I think London is the only viable option. Bring your credit card, though.

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I guess London because there are a bunch of Universities to choose from, plus you're already in the heart of one of the financial centres of the world. Would you only choose London though, because just nearby are Oxford and Cambridge which are the top 2 Universities in the country if you can afford/qualify for them...


I live just outside London and it's a cool city, but I wouldn't wanna live there personally. Very busy and very expensive, but if you dig big cities then you'll love it. No idea about Scotland or Ireland though unfortunately.

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