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actually i Heard that...


since you masturbate a lot, it really depends on the way that you masturbate... and mostly it bends your penis upwards or at the base its crooked...i also heard that sometimes it can reach better parts in the vagina and give you more feeling

at least thats what i heard from love line...

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Wow, ok usually these fourms are great for advice, but I've seen a lot of wrong awnsers in this thread.






The only possible way is if you had some kind of horrible accedent to your dork, and and scar tissue can pull it to one side or another.


That aside, there are several conditions that you are born with that can change the shape of it.


The most common one is called perones(sp?) syndrome. It's created at birth and will cause the errect penis to bend in a certian direction. The best treatment for this is Vitamin C.


Start taking 200% of your recommended vaule in vitamin C capsules every day. After a few months your penis should start strighting out. If its a really serious problem, (serious being that it interferes with you having sex normally) then there are surgical options, but that is as a last resort.


Most guys have a slightly curved penis. If you were to stick my penis through the center of a clock, mind would bend slighly to the 3:00 position. It doenst bother me, and doenst impede in having sex at all.

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