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Basically, I have lost my voice and I can only talk through words so I felt like telling u guys how i am doin


I am soo bored because I cant go out and drink or watch a funny program (incase I laugh and get in pain). Been starting the honey cure and I could finally say I couple words.


All day at school ive been laughed at (but no in a bullied way) which was funny but the girls were all over me. Girls must love a man who cant talk


Ok the phone just rang! It was a mate of mine wondering if i was goin out 2nite and i couldnt even repsond lol! I have had about 8 phone calls this hour and its pissing me off as im the only one at home grrrrrrr.


I keep wanting to talk but all that comes out is air. I quite enjoy this experience but its getting annoying.


Tomoz i got a party to goto so do any of you have any good cures for a lost voice???

Anyone had any good/bad experiences with a lost voice??

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ok my mum just came in and was like "philip, i bought u a new dvd, have u seen it before?" I cnat respond, her: "Philip! I BOUGHT U A NEW DVD!" I cant repsond "PHILIP!!!" I still cant repsond "GOd, that boy always has his earphones on!"

hahahaha she forgets I have lost my voice when she just saw me like 5 secs before when i opened the door!

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lol, its annoying when ppl call you and u cant answer and so they get all annoyed at u.


I dont know why but I hate it when ppl talk to me at the moment. I think it's that the fact that I cant talk back and I'm getting jealous.


Well, I got a party to go to tonight and I can finally talk!! But it's still croaky so Im still keeping my mouth shut and rolling in the honey and salt water. I wont do that much talking tonight and calm down on the drink. oooh wellll.

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