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Would you date someone much brighter than you?


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As long as they aren't the "know it all" type it's fine. My ex was smarter than myself as far as books go. However, I had way more common sense and "life smarts". Also she was really strong in math (I suck at math) while I was better in history, social studies, creative type things. It actually worked out well. She did have a bit of the know it all factor though which was annoying even though she said she didn't want to be that way.

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There is much more in life to make you happy then another person's IQ. I spend enough of my time researching and in a demanding field.. I would much rather have a guy that can make me laugh, cuddle me just right, and a guy I can trust.


I agree with this. Not everything is about IQ. One can be an amazing writer or artist and not have an high IQ. We all have different potentials and talents and they're all worthy. I've met a lot of men who are exceptionally smart. Yet I didn't feel attracted to or wanted to date most of them. Some of them were great friends due to the interesting conversations we could have and the fact that they could understand me. But a great relationship takes a lot more than IQ.

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i don't want to date down, I want a man who is either on the same level of intelligence or higher. i need to be able to have decent conversations. i can't date a guy who says "huh?" "what's that?" "I don't know what that is.. what do you mean?" to a lot of things i say.

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