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seeing someone v's boyfriend/girlfriend

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Hi All,

I am a little confused.

What's the difference between saying you are seeing someone and saying you have a boyfriend/girlfriend.


I asked this guy if he had a girlfriend and he responded back by saying that he is seeing someone. What is the difference if any?




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I was wondering the same thing, and I think the replies are right..they're basically the same thing. I always thought 'girlfriend' was sorta reserved for if you've been seeing the person for a while, i.e. not just one/two dates, but some may use it more freely than others. When you just start a relationship I think the person would use 'seeing someone' or 'we're just dating' but after awhile when you know the person better & the relationship develops, 'girlfriend' seems to develop as well.


I was surprised yesterday when a friend asked the guy I'm dating if I'm his 'new girlfriend' and he sorta hesitated for a second before responding 'yes' and hugging me which I thought was cute. But just a day or 2 before he referred to me as a 'friend'..such silly terms =)


I'm guessing if he's insisting on saying 'seeing someone' it probably means that he just started dating her (like a few days ago maybe) and is reluctant to call her his gf yet, or isn't sure how she feels about him yet. That's why I was hesistant to call him my boyfriend anyways in the beginning.

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I have to agree with Tiger_Lilies. The difference is a level of commitment of exclusivity.


Companion: A situational lover. Such as a couple that "hook up" for a few days and during this time they are together, but after the time period are "good friends" and may or may not date.


Seeing someone.. is more casual.. a new relationship which is a polite way of saying "lover". Not a commited relationship or even well defined.


Girlfriend A comitted usually monogomous relationship.


Fiancee - A girlfriend with a stronger commitment to marry.



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