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Seeing an Ex

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Previously I was on here with the name Brokennnn, something like that lol I can't really remember it and well I don't feel that it applies to me anymore So here I am as Ms Dexter (I am not a serial-killer-lover-psycho honestly just Dexter LOL


As some of you might know my ex broke off 3 and half yrs relationship because I wouldn't convert. Anywaaay after almost 5 months, I saw him today at the train station and I felt like hiding, I have no idea why LOL I really didn't wanna come face to face with him.


I feel really good though because I don't feel anything for him I got sort of sick to my stomach feeling & butterflies but not the happy ones, you know when you are about to speak in in front of huge group of people and you feel nervous LOL but nothing else, don't want him back or even want to talk to him at all.


Has anyone else experienced something like this?

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I get that feeling when I run into an ex, especially in a social setting at a bar. My emotions drive me to WANT to glare at her, but I do my best to just stay away.


Unfortunately, I absolutely hate her guts at the moment, only because of the motions I am going through. I can't wait until she's completely out of my life

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