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What do you do when they do contact you?

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I am just trying to plan ahead...I have been broken up for about 3 months now and nc now for 22 days. I really believe that I will hear from my ex. I am not sure how long it will take, but I feel it in my bones that he will contact me again. My birthday is in a few weeks and what if he calls to wish me a happy birthday? Do I just be casual and act like I don't care? Do I just not reply? Just to reinterate, I do want my ex back so please give me advice in that direction. Thank you.

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I say just be yourself. It's pointless to act differently. Of course you aren't going to jump right out and say I miss you and things such as that. You should just choose to omit that part, but other than that, I would act natural. Keep your cool and just be friendly, but not too friendly. When he calls act surprised but not too surprised. Good luck!

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Hey sweetieone,


The best advice is to act yourself. And just try to remember that it's not going to do you any good at this point to bring up the past. If he brings it up then you can talk about it. Otherwise, just realize that you're much more interested in the present and how great it is to get a chance to talk to him.


I can tell you last week I ran into my ex, we just happened to cross paths. I was so happy to see her, and I smiled, and we talked for a little while. What I kept telling myself is that she knows we left things with me telling her the door is still open, I don't need to repeat that to her. Instead I can just be happy for this time that I get to spend with her. I can find out how she's doing, and then we can go our separate ways.


Just remember the impression you want to leave in his mind when he walks away is a good one. Not a needy one.


Hope this helps.

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