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How do i fix this


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I have clinical depression i just found out last week, i keep getting angry over lil things at my boyfriend. Last night i had my place to myself so i thought hed come over an have nice dinner, watch a movie an all that. He said dinner wasnt that great, an then he sat an watched tv an fell asleep while i cleaned up. I got so angry an upset i woke up him an told him to leave which i have been doing alot latly, i know hes tired from work but uno a thanks baby or something would have been nice, am i asking for to much? anyway he was going to leave for good then changed his mind, he said he loves me but is finding this all really hard and doesnt know what to do. anyway we talked for ages had sex he told me he wants to spend the rest of his life with me, an he wishes i would just relise how much i mean to him an how beautiful i am. But this morning he was so grumpy before work he kissed me an said he loved me an then left i followed him to his car an wanted another kiss he said im running late i have to go cya an drove off. I have no idea if he will come back or not. What should i do?? give him space, or what ??

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i dont know, i just feel like hes had enough. He said to me last night hes sick of me saying sorry and i cant keep saying sorry. I have had a really bad past and im just terrifyd, my last serious bf went to work an never came back and i never heard from him again so i guess thats why i dont think he will.

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Ah, I see. You think he'll do what your last boyfriend did. Try not to worry, okay? It sounds like this guy cares for you a lot, but he's just frustrated by your behavior.


Are you getting counseling for your depression and anger issues? That sounds like a must at this point, even if only for yourself.

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