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hott, pretty, or cute??

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I'd say most guys would go for the hot girls since we usually tend to think with our smaller heads first.


For me it would be either pretty or cute because if I'm not in "the mood", that hot girl won't keep me interested for long. That again, being pretty may not even be enough; a girl could look pretty/elegant but that still wouldn't be enough to keep her on my mind. In my opinion, saying that a girl looks "cute" is already a way of admitting I'm slowly getting hooked so I guess I prefer the "cute" ones.


That again I feel like I have just juggled with semantics here, perhaps it's because English isn't my main language.

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Most guys are shallow and would probably go for "hot." But I find the best girls are "pretty" or "cute." Then again, does it matter? It's the person's personality and who they are on the inside that really makes a girl attractive. And who defined what is "hot" or "cute?" Isn't beauty in the eye of the beholder?

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Hot girls are nice to look at, but I really like cute girls.


They just seem more genuine and friendly.


I don't want to be with someone who thinks and knows they are so attractive that they can drop me and find someone else immediately.


Cute girls drive me crazy


I can't stop smiling around them and just start giggling like an idiot.

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Well there are some girls that are nice to look at, but that's not enough for me to go over and talk to someone. I've met and known alot hot/pretty/cute girls, it's just weird. I mean my middle school was about 400 people big, our class had around 130, and it just seemed old from all the tv and movies I've seen, cause the "hot to not" ratio was all out of whack. If it means anything, this middle school was a public one you had to apply for(magnet).

I remember talking to my friend this year in may(we're both in 10th grade, he was talkign about a girl I knew in middle school, I said I went to that school), and he remarked how lucky I was to go to that school cause there were so many fine females(he's seen our yearbook, and of ocurse knows people from my MS). I didn't actually notice this until like at the end of 8th grade how many good looking girls we had at our school.

This strange ratio is also apparent at my high school(a magnet), where i have a class of 74, probably under 30 girls, and most of them are good looking. In the other grades as well, and they have bigger class sizes than us.

As I've said, being attractive really does nothing for me. I myself am not attaractive, so this isn't really some "pretty boy who gets his pick of the litter" rant. A girl has to have a good personailty to me. I also used to have a preconceived notion that all good looking girls probably don't have nice personalities or are dumb, but I plenty of examples to show this isn't the case. Which makes it even harder not to like girls as some girls as more then just "friends" when they are hot,have a great personlity, and are always fun to be around.


So um, "hot" and "pretty" sound like more physical attributes, while "cute" doesn't as much, so I'll have to go with cute. Different girls can be cute in different ways.

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Hot Girls are good to look at and so are pretty ones...But the difference between Hot/pretty and cute is that cute is mostly her personality. I want a cute girl, it's all about personality once you get passed the initial meeting.


Now if I could find another Hot girl that's cute, like my ex was, I'd tumble back down into that dreaded emotion called love...

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I know hot girls, and I know cute girls. Theres this one girl whos hot and cute at the same time and its irresistible. Hot girls on there own are okay, but not as girlfriends. Cute girls are okay as friends. The combo of both hot and cute just makes me want to be around her all the time

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i was say cute. mainly cuz all asian girls are so cute. i love asian girls there really friendly and understanding. but i really cant stand when peopl say that they arent attrative. how can you say that about yourself. i havent been askd out but i can say taht for everyone out there is someone

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