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Me and my girlfriend have had sex like several times now, like more then 8 for 4 days (on separate occasions, not 4 days in a row). However, I have never reached the point of orgasim. I could be penetrating her for over an hour but still I don't really feel the point where I am about to cum.


I have a few questions regarding this...


How long (on average) should it take before a guy reaches orgasim via penetration?


The fact that I am penetrating for an hour and still not cumming, is there something wrong with me? Because eventually I would get tired and my erection goes down... my girlfriend does get disappointed that I don't finish on a high note.


I read that cumming during sex is different then cumming during masturbation. I have came during masturbation before so yeah... how does it feel?


Would you say its because of the lube? Because the condom we used was lubricated with spermicide, and then we applied lub on the inside and then on the outside. Just for safety reasons... so I'm thinking that we shouldn't apply too much lube on it, or get lubricated condoms.

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I'm in pretty much the same situation as you, just started having sex with my girl and it took a good 45 minutes for me to cum the first time. The thing is to keep trying different positions and find one that really feels good. Have your girl help you out, tell her what you like - what feels good.

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I would have to say trying a different condom will help out tremendously. Try a Durex ultra natural sensation condoms they are pretty thin and the sensation is probably the best I have tried yet. I truly think that the condom will make or break a great love making session.



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hey blowfish,


Better safe the sorry. There is nothing wrong with you dude, i know exactly how you feel. There are many reasons and excuses, and many have already been mentioned.


Sex is VERY different to masturbation. Like 1911 said the hand is much rougher, and tighter, then your girl. Remember the number of strokes you take with your hand during masturbation and the pace you are doing it at- its quite a lot quite fast in a short amount of time! Its also very consistent. Now you need to take the same number of strokes during sex but at a obviously much slower rate, so considering that you can imagine it taking a while before ejaculation.


Also a lot can depend on the mood. During masturbation, you are reacting to what turns YOU on extremely, & this may not be the case when you are actually having sex with your girl.


So what did i do? Basically everything that has already been mentioned. Firstly stop masturbating if you do masturbate, because by doing so you increase your sex drive for the next time you are in bed. Masturbation also damages the potential mood & expectations you might have for the next time you have sex. Reacting to your fantasies will only create anticipation for the real thing, and this will leave you hugely disappointed when you do have sex the next time.


Like hubman said a good condom is essential- friction is needed to create the tension and contraction. Her not being happy about you not ejaculating also puts added, unnecessary pressure on you. Stop thinking and being worried over whether shes enjoying it and just enjoy it yourself. Do what turns you on and what makes you feel comfertable, and this may mean trying different positions and places. If the bed is too high or too deep, then use pillows, or try the stairs!


Let her be your fantasy, use more friction, and you will be a Sex-God! 8)


Good luck

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