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i just want to help my friend... i dont want her to die!

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My friend, has been suicidal for a long time. She has switched schools because she attempted suicide. Now last night she wanted to do it again. Luckily a friend talked her out of it and she dropped the knife. She cuts almost every night just hoping that she will one day cut too deep, though she doesnt cut on any major veins cuz if her parents find out she will be sent to a hospital. She is such a wonderful person and I just want to know what to say to her! I tell her she has so much going for her but she just doesnt see it. I tell her people love her but she said she doesnt care if she hurts the ones that love her when she dies. I just dont know what to do and immeidate response would be nice because I'm really scared. Scared for her and scared just as a friend. Does anyone know ANYTHING reassuring I could say to her? I don't want another of my friends dead. I want to be able to help...


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Im not sure what I would be able to say but I think u need to constently tell her how much u love her. You need to make it very personal. It's easier for her to say she doesnt care about others to you, than it is to say she doesnt care about you.

How about have a weekened trip with her. Just u 2, someone really nice and away from what ever is troubling her. Show her a good time and make her forget about her problems.


Hope I helped, if not, hope everything gets better

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I feel for you, I really do. My friends go through the same with me.


The truth of it is though hunni, there really is little you can do. It sounds like your friend needs real professional help. Just do what you're doing now, keep supporting her. Let her know how much you care, how much you would miss her if she died.


She wont accept any praise or compliments because she feels so little of herself. She probably hates herself, and sees only ugliness. I know its hard for you to deal with. I wish i had something helpful to say


If you need to talk........Im here anytime

Take care



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hey, im so sorr you're going through this. just stay persistent and never give up. let her know you love her and how much others do. let her know how life has so much more to offer than whats going on right now. tell her how temporary it is and that she's so young. let her know you'll always be there for her and that there are others out there that want to listen. maybe look into professional help for her? good luck, and maybe these sites will help. take care


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Try to help her find the things that are good in her life. Make sure to mention the things that make her happy and help her find the good out of all situations. Don't put any unecessary pressure on her b/c that never helps. Show her that you care about her life and that she can help other people once she comes out of this depression.


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