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Why do Ex's turn crazy??? Comment???

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Okay. I have changed in the last 3 years since me and my ex/ex-fiance broke up. I am over him and I am glad it ended. I needed to get some things off my chest that I had never had a chance to do when we split, manly cause he said and spread things that were not true. It was manly how controlling he was and how he had acted. I told him I forgave him cause I need to. I needed these things off my chest so they would be out of my mind and off my heart. So they would not affect my future or current relationships.. Not tie up lose ends but let go of what had really been bothering you. Things like that...I am over him if you think I am not. I am...I have a bf I have been with almost longer then I was with the ex/ex-fiance. I am happier then I can ever be...


He went on saying he had his wife wrapped around his finger and she would believe anything he told her. Also said that he could make him self look flawless to others even though some know the real truth. I mean reading the messages. I was thinking to my self what a d-bag you know. Said he lied to benefit himself in life. Said he had control over it and nobody could do anything to mess it up. I wished him luck on that.. Heck any Christian reading that would be. Just wait till the lord takes something away and see how in control you are now.


I am happy I got those things off his chest. I just hope his wife realizes that he has lied to her their whole relationship. Hopefully she will wake up and see he is a self absorbed guy only wanting himself to look good. Only revenge in life is success. Guess the one who has had a good life is me I mean no offense to anybody on here. I do not want to make anybody mad. But he only had GED could never hold a job for less then 2-3 months. Says he wants to be things but never achieves it. Lies about everything. I mean guess me getting my certification and finishing High School and college has made me seem like I have my life on track. Not the way I want, but getting through it day by day. As well as a possible fiance who has a reliable job which could land to possibly him and I running our own business. Not saying I am in it for the money but compare both side by side. Which would you take the guy with a high school diploma, a bachelors degree and tennis management certification or the GED who dropped out of college first semester and never went back. I think I would take the one with the similar eduction as me. I mean being able to have a intellectual conversation with someone amounts to a lot more then someone who does not know if the information is true saying that it is.


I know I am venting, but I am happy. I mean I have never felt better about thing since reading those messages. It shows me that I really was the only one that came out of that relationship with a really good view on life.


You can comment or whatever... Just venting... tell me if you have ever had this happen.. I want to really know..

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He looks like a control freak, those kind of people go crazy when they lose control. However i don't think you should look down on a person for not having any diploma's, some people are just not cut out for that kind of stuff, and it doesn't mean that 'higher education = better love life', however other things are to be improved by him, likehis lying to others to make him look like he is in control, is a complete facade. He should let it go, but then again that's not your problem anymore. Just let him go on his rampage, he'll find karma on his way.

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I am not, I was just angry at the time I wrote it no offense to anyone I promise. I am not one to judge, but if you were to have known him like I did. He was one of those people that just did not want to continue educating himself. He would rather do it himself and look like a d-butt Cause most of the times we fought it was about stupid stuff he said was true which for a fact it was all lies. I hope is wife wakes up and sees what he has done to their life and their kid. His lie's will come back to haunt him.


My family is old values and morals and which I was raised. You know back in the day a educations meant something, your sturdy and hard working. No education you hard working, but you never know where you next paycheck could be coming from. I know so many people have been through a lot more then me and have over come hardship. I am happy they have and I congratulate them. I mean that makes my families values slap them in their face. I wanted someone like me. Someone who had a education like me and someone I know could work in the field they went to school for.


I was not meaning that higher education high love life, but truth is when your with someone and you marry them and is is a good marriage you marry somone with the same morals or values as you. I have seen it many times over

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Yeah, I agree with your resentment about his lying, but definitely not your high holiness on education. An education is invaluable no doubt, but it is not even close to being the true measurement of a person. I could not afford to go to school, began working before I finished high school, and have never been without a job in 35 years. No ex's have accused me of being a liar....other things yes...lol...but not a liar. One of the most notorious criminals in history, Ted Bundy, was a college graduate and ended up killing over 30 women. Bundy was loved and trusted by the governor of Washington state before he was "found out".


It sounds to me like you still love the bad guy here and are in denial about being over him. This is evident through statements like "I am over him if you think I am not. I am", made before any of us even commented. This tells me you are still trying to convince yourself you are over him.


Nothing wrong with you wanting to be with someone with an education close to yours, this is your personal decision. Just stay away from your ex and what he is doing. Sooner or later, someone will come along that you love more than you loved him. I am doubting whether your current BF is the guy though. If he were, you would not be posting here and would instead have forgotten all about the ex.

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Being over him, I guess I really did not say what he did to me. I mean he verbally abused me emotionally abused me guess I still love that huh. No offenses...I was posting in a forum about ex- boy friends. Guess that word did not cross you mind. And yes the current guy I am with is the guy I love more then the crazy ex. Guess those words did not cross your mind. I am over the guy. I mean I hated what he put me through when I was 19. I guess people don't grow up in your opinion. I am not trying to say people with a less education are not better then me. Guess the words my grandmother told me are useless as well. Them telling me to make sure to look for a good educated guy with a good stable background. I mean no offense to anybody, but I have had friend and family go through a lot with their ex's and currents and from what I have seen. I know I want my future partner to have a good working job and a good education. I mean if you lower yourself for some guy just thinking he is all that you will be put through a lot of heartbreak, and I should know I have done that at least 3 times after him until I met the guy I am with now.


In 2008 I retook my vow and decided to wait till marriage to have sex and to not give myself into any men. Guard my hurt from jerks like my ex. I did not put high standards on someone to date. Guess meeting my current BF 2 years after that did not change me either. Also I guess you really didn't read the first post where I said I needed to get things off my chest. When couples get divorced they can hold resentment against each other until some do talk about what went wrong. I need to tell him what he put me through cause when you end on a bad note you need to ask for forgiveness form those you hurt a long time ago, even if the scars run deep. The bible teaches us that. Also, I guess when you hear the term they carry baggage form a past relationship does not cross anybody's mind. That baggage is sometimes the emotions they may have put you through. I realize now that after 3 years i am better off with out him. I mean I see know that if we would have married I would be divorced form him and possible have a kid. So your saying I wanted that for my life. Guess me rethinking my life at 19 was not a good thing either. People change trust me I know. I have done a lot of changing since I was 18.


Your telling me that I still love the guy that verbally abused and emotionally abused me. That is like saying I am a alcoholic even though I have not drank in 10 years.So tell me if I am still convening when it comes to that. I mean I had a ex fiance who was a control freak who wanted to control every aspect of my life. Guess I loved it. Guess I wanted my freedom gone. Wow....I understand you have worked for 35 years, so I roughly know about how old you are. We have grown up in different era's of society. Also someone my age does not usually speak in the terms I speak now. I guess all teenagers my age are having sex and not really reading the good book and learning.


I mean I have been through a lot more the you have ever been or maybe not. I do not judge anybody nor do I dislike their opinion, but please reread and see what people are talking about before posting. ALSO I STATED I WAS VENTING THINGS OFF MY CHEST, SO PLEASE IF THIS HAS EVER HAPPENED TO YOU LET ME KNOW.

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