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So nervous / Need advice


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So, I have posted a thread about how I really like this guy that is a manager for a fast food restaurant where I use to work. He was NOT my manager, but he was for a different store. I just saw him a few times if he came in to get supplies.


WELL - when I would see him, one time he winked at me. Another time, I was glancing at him from afar and he gave me an eyebrow raise, but I wasn't sure if that was his attraction signal or a signal of acknowledgment. Well, I don't work for the company anymore and I went to his store Monday and ordered a cola. He rang me up and everything, got my order and then he was short on change, so I had to wait for it. I told him that I was sorry that he had to go get the change and he was like, "No, I am sorry. I should have had it for you." Then he started acting silly. Fake cried and he was saying he was sorry. It was cute. Then he told me to have a nice day.


Needless to say, I did not get up enough courage to ask him out, but I do still want to. My nerves are getting the best of me. I am all ready to go to his job and ask him if he wants to hang out with me, but then...I drive past it and go to the mall instead! I REALLY like him. He is cute and handsome and carries himself WELL!


I don't want to let it pass by and have someone else ask him out.


What should I do? How do I approach him? And by any of the info I have posted, do you think he finds me attractive?

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Does he act this way with other females as far as you know? If not I think it pretty much confirms he has an interest or at least trying to flirt with you.


I mean, I am never around him for that long, so I don't really know. He is a manager...in a place where you HAVE to be nice. So, I am not sure. I know one time another manager asked if he was single and he was like, "Yes." and he smiled about it and all, but he just got the supplies he needed and left.

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Go in and order another Coke. Ask him "Are you still single?" If he says yes, say, "Well you know I don't work for the company anymore. You wanna hang out sometime?" The worst thing that can happen is he says No. Really, that is it, that is the worst. If he does, then oh well. But you will beat yourself up if you never give it a shot.

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Yeah, I also think you should go for it and ask him out. Be like, "You know, I think your a funny and interesting person. I have to admit this is a little uncomfortable for me, but if you're not seeing anyone and if you have some free time, would you like to go catch a movie or just hang out and talk sometime?" Don't be nervous!! Have fun and good luck

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