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acting silly...


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If I were you I would be a little flirty and see how he reacts, and just keep spending time with him and hanging out. It wont take that much time till it becomes clear if he likes you or not. He could be shy and need a sign that you like him, ya never know but you have to take chances to find out. No matter what you'll be fine : )

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I vote for likes you too. Standard. Next time he's all "sorry" for some little thing, tell him he can make it up to you by buying you lunch or something. Some guys need a hint.


Well, he is someone I have a crush on...a manager at a fast food place. I ordered a drink and he didn;t have the change. So, he had to wait for someone to bring the money up front. He gave me most of my change and then said, "Just waiting for a five now." So, I was like, "I am sorry." Because he probably had other things to do and all. But he was like, "No. I am sorry, I should have had it for you." Then, he started the fake crying, hands over face thing.


I kinda smiled, but then another employee saw him and he played it off. And was like, "I'm just playing." but was still smiles.


I wonder if I should go back tomorrow or something

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