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Thanks for those taking time to read this post. I think I should just type out my whole situation now instead of posting it parts by parts last time. Hope u all reading this do not mind k.


I am currently 17 and this girl that I like is 17 too. We study in the same school but in different classes. I got to know this girl from my friend who is an ex-classmate of her. I got her handphone no. and I sms her admiting I like her. So she knows I like her. After which we started to sms each other frequently. Most of the time would be me starting the conversation first. She would sms me sometimes too. She would sms me msgs like telling me to think of her, if I miss her I can call her. We would smile to each other and say hi when we see eachother in school. We would meet each other during her break on wednesday.


I too talk to her on the phone, the longest for 2 hours. I thought I stood a chance with her. But such things are hard to say. I tried to ask her out but she said she wanted her friend to come along. She would ask me questions like why I liked her, whether I would go chase after another girl who looks like her and agrees to go out with me, unlike her. I took up courage to ask her to be with me but she rejected me. She wanted me to stay in contact with her. I do not mind so I still kept in contact with her as I still liked her.


I do not call her or sms her as frequently now. But we still keep in touch. She would always ask me for help in her school work although we are not in the same class. She would still sms me sometimes. She is a very nice and hardworking girl and I seemed to notice that her friends are mostly girls. She is always afraid that people will talk about us. the exams are coming and i know she will be busy preparing for her exams so i intend to ask her out after the exams or shouldn't I??


What do u guys think?? Still got chance for me?? Or should I give her up totally??

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I think that you MIGHT have a chance with her. You should wait till a littler after the exams and tell her you want to be with her, and if she says no ask if you can at least maybe have lunch together or something like that sometime. But if it were me, i wouldnt want to be with a girl that worrys about what other people will think. You have to be able to be yuorself and not care what other people think. But hey, if you guys are good friends, and she still doesnt wanna be with you, you guys can stay GOOD friends. Just be there for each other and there'll prolly always be that little thing between you guys

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Well, it sounds like she has some self-esteem problems. It seems, to me, like she liked you but was worried about getting hurt or maybe that you really weren't serious about liking her. The fact that she asked if you would go after another girl who looks like her kind of makes me think she wants you to keep trying...or maybe she's just worried that you only like her because of how she looks and that you will easily forget about her and find someone else who is pretty. Either way, I still think there's some self-esteem issues going on with her and concern about a lot of different things, including what other people will say. What is your reputation/popularity level in school? This might be an issue.


I've learned the hard way to forget girls like this, but if you want to ask her out again, I say there's really nothing to lose.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Recently she told me that I would never stand a chance with her... She would only consider good looking guys... Looks are important to her... I am just only average looking... My friends all tell me that they think that she is average looking... I actually decided to break off all contact with her... However recently she started smsing me to ask for help in her studies and to chat with me... Do not know what she is doing??? The exams are coming and I decided to go after her after the exams... Am I stupid to still go after her??? I really like her, thats all!

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Recently she told me that I would never stand a chance with her... She would only consider good looking guys... Looks are important to her... I am just only average looking... My friends all tell me that they think that she is average looking... I actually decided to break off all contact with her... However recently she started smsing me to ask for help in her studies and to chat with me... Do not know what she is doing??? The exams are coming and I decided to go after her after the exams... Am I stupid to still go after her??? I really like her, thats all!


I applaud you for breaking off contact with her. She's now pursuing you for whatever reasons, so now you're in control of the "relationship".


Be as fun, friendly, and flirtateous with her, but don't be the one to pursue her. Let her do the chasing. You have something she wants that's why she's pursuing you now. Perhaps she just wants your companionship.


It is possible for her to get addicted to you because you're a fun and helpful guy to be with. She may then decide to take things further so that she won't share you with anyone else. That's what happened to one of exes.


Just maintain the current thing you got going. Reward her for pursuing you by being a fun guy with her. But don't ever do anything that would make you look needy.

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