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How do you regain trust?


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He acts like when he packs up some stuff that I am supposed to be ok with it.


But you tell him that you are living like his wife and let him come back when he gets tired of not having a wife to pick up after him.


2kids, you have to start acting for yourself not just reaction to moves he makes.


He is a b'stard. All his behaviour screams that. You deserve better than to waste your life on him.

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I am not initiating any contact whatsoever. I see what is going on around me and I am angry, but am beginning to be a lot more calm about it. I have to start keeping my thoughts to myself when it comes to my kids. I don't think my son will say anything if he hears a conversation I have with say my sister, but my daughter on the other hand, is a different story. He still says stuff about US taking a break, and what I keep telling him is that I never left the relationship/marriage, he did. I don't think he gets that yet. He left when he took interest in someone else. Yeah it hurts and I can't ever forgive him, but in the end, I will be ok. It just sucks to know that it was so easy for him to not look at the marriage as something as meaningful as I do. I think my calmness scares him though and since I used to randomly call or text him during the day and now I don't, he is missing it (he said he did anyway), but for some reason he thinks space is the answer. I beg to differ...pulling his head from his fourth point of contact might possibly be the answer.

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