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So, since late July, I have been working at this place. There is a guy that works there as well, he is from Guatemala and has been down here for about 5 years. He is really friendly with everyone and he is fluent in English. Everyone likes him. In the break room, three days ago, he started talking to me. He asked about a restaurant and small talk. After that, I worked in his area for about 15 minutes and he said, "Who watches your babies while you work?" I said, "No. No kids for me." and we talked about our parents and where we lived and where he had previously worked and then it was time for me to go home. As I walked away, he said, "Maybe we can go to that restaurant one day." And I said, "Yeah, okay!" Was he asking me on a date? I've been busy fro the past few days, so I haven't really been able to work around him or whatever, but he always smiles at me and looks at me for an extended period.


It's weird to me, I can never get an American Man to like me. But, there are more than just one foreign man where I work, and they all seem to stare at me a lot.


What is this?

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I think he did indeed ask you on a date! When he asked you about your 'babies', he was probing to see if you a) had kids and b) had a boyfriend/husband. The fact that he smiles and looks at you for a long period is a definite sign. Let me know how it turns out!


I see.


It's weird though, because after that, he only looks at me and smiles, he really doesn't say much. It's like there is an ice that needs to be broken. I don't know. I am kinda scared too. I like him, but are cultures are also so different.

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Speak don't let different cultures scare you. In actuality it should make things interesting. For me I'm always interested in learning other cultures. To be honest, he's probably shy and nervous because he finds you drop dead gorgeous. Hell probably anxious in the dinner date.


Lol. I am interested in other cultures, I guess it's an exciting scary. I don't really find myself gorgeous and I don't know why he chose me to like. It's very flattering.

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Well he obviously finds you gorgeous! Honestly mate, go with the flow and see what happens. If there is any more ice that needs to be broken, i dare say it will happen on your date.


Well, yesterday this girl that I work with told me that he told her he liker her. SOOOO, whatever. I didn't see him because he wasn't there but, I don't know how to act now.

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Perhaps this girl is either jealous or he means that he likes her as a friend. My advice would be to watch how they interact with each other and if its similar to how he treats you, then he may like her as well. It happens, sometimes a guy likes two or more girls. Don't stress if it is the case, because its still a good compliment to you and a confidence booster

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Perhaps this girl is either jealous or he means that he likes her as a friend. My advice would be to watch how they interact with each other and if its similar to how he treats you, then he may like her as well. It happens, sometimes a guy likes two or more girls. Don't stress if it is the case, because its still a good compliment to you and a confidence booster


Lol. Well, I saw him at work yesterday and I asked him if he liked her, he said NO. I kept playing around with him about it and he was like, "You're confused." And then at one point during the night, he said, "Are you nervous?" and I replied with , "What would I be nervous about?" and He said, "I don't know." So, I asked him "are you?" and he was like, " Maybe a little."


So, I am guessing he just meant they were friends or whatever. I know the girl plays around with him a lot but she has a boyfriend.

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